Yet Another Man Loses His Mind at Poll Worker – RedState

How do you know the Democrats are in big trouble in Virginia? 

I don’t know what they’re putting in the leftist water down there, but we’re seeing the “tolerant” left come utterly unhinged. 

We saw one of them lose his mind in a video that my colleague Teri Christoph wrote about earlier. The Democrat railed at a GOP poll worker, Matthew Hurtt, who was handing out sample Republican ballots to help voters. The man accused the poll worker of almost putting a gun to his head by offering him a sample ballot. Then he threatened the poll worker, “You try to steal my vote next year, I’m gonna f**king remember you personally.”

This is a guy who clearly has swallowed all the Democratic propaganda and is propagating every leftist trope about Republicans you can imagine. He assails someone and then thinks he’s the good guy. Then he stomps off to his Prius. That was pretty funny. What was also funny was that he tried to talk to another person who was there to tell him how bad Republicans were, and this was the reaction from that guy. 

Perfect response face to the unhinged guy. 

But in addition to being unhinged, his actions look like intimidation of a poll worker. 

And he wasn’t the only person on the left losing his mind and going after poll workers in Virginia. The Prince William Area Young Republicans posted a video of this lovely fellow yelling at one of their poll workers. 

The man gives the GOP poll worker a cheery greeting, “Hi!” 

Then he lets loose, “All MAGAs need to go to Gitmo.”  “You Republican MAGA f**ggots are scum!” the man shouts. Some hear the “f” word, some hear it as “maggots” — either way, chalk up another one whose train has run off the track. But whichever, it’s a slur, and it’s some more attempted intimidation of a poll worker. 

These are the folks who accuse Republicans of bigotry, who think they are somehow more enlightened and protecting “democracy,” yet they treat anyone who disagrees with them politically this way, with vicious slurs. They think it’s fine — that their anger justifies them saying or doing anything. They don’t see the contradiction in what they’re doing or how they are the folks filled with hate, not the people they are assailing. 

The funny thing is that in this little pocket of the world in Northern Virginia, there are probably a lot of federal government workers. Chances that these are leftist government workers? I’d bet on it. Which probably tells us a lot about why so much of Washington is so messed up. 

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