Using Data to Improve Employee Health and Wellness

Very few employers systematically track their employees’ health and wellbeing. But without such data, they won’t be able to set priorities and won’t know whether their efforts are effective. It is now possible to systematically assess your employees’ wellbeing and assess the effectiveness of your programs to address their needs. This article offers a four-part framework for doing that.

When it comes to employee health, companies typically track areas where their organization has direct expenses or liability exposure: short- and long-term disability, on-the-job injuries, and the utilization rate of the employee assistance program. But these measures only begin to describe the physical and mental health of your employees. Most organizations are in the dark about the general health of their workforce, which makes it almost impossible to design effective at-scale health strategies or gauge their impact. They must measure wellbeing in a systematic way; without that data, they can’t design programs that best serve the needs of their particular employee population.

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