The 10 Best Home Decor Holiday Gifts of 2023

WHO SAYS you can’t buy good taste? Bestowing a few well-chosen domestic luxuries can not only telegraph discerning judgment but also go a long way to brightening the last dark weeks of the year. Think crystal Champagne flutes or freshly pressed stacks of crisp cloth napkins. And they don’t have to come with price tags that make you clench your teeth. Here, we present a passel of gift ideas we’re quite excited about—all likely to impress design aficionados, without breaking the bank.

A Vase That’s No Shrinking Violet

With vases sometimes trading for four figures, the fine ceramics market isn’t for the faint of heart—or light of wallet. How to score a deal? Keep an eye out for designs from emerging makers that might stand the test of time, like these stoneware vessels from South African artist Helen Vaughan. With arching arms, the matte-black form evokes an embrace, fitting for a gift. Helen Vaughan Ceramics Vase With Handles, approx. 7 inches tall or approx. 9 inches tall, $90 each, 

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