Tag: XX/XY

Biology, Bipolarity, and Accuracy In Education – RedState

Biology, Bipolarity, and Accuracy In Education – RedState

Biology and the Woke Among biologists, sexual dimorphism and bipolarity (not the same thing) among vertebrates isn’t really a subject for debate. (Full disclosure: My undergraduate degree was in biology, I haven’t worked in the field for some time but try to stay current). But recently, a biology professor, Johnson Varkey, was fired for stating the obvious. Johnson Varkey has for 20 years taught anatomy and physiology at St. Philip’s College, part of the Alamo Community College District of Texas. Nineteen years and 1,500 students into his teaching, he says a few of them became visibly offended by his textbook lessons on the biology of male and female. St. Philips fired Varkey for violating its “faculty code of professional ethics” based on “several reports” that he committed “religious...