Tag: War Crimes

The War in Gaza Has Been Deadly for Journalists

The War in Gaza Has Been Deadly for Journalists

On October 13th, Issam Abdallah, a video journalist with Reuters, was filming in southern Lebanon from on a hill overlooking the border with Israel. Tensions between Hezbollah fighters and the Israeli military had been rising, and several crews of journalists were stationed nearby. Abdallah was shooting footage of an Israeli outpost when the group was hit by incoming Israeli shelling. Six other journalists were injured, including the Agence France-Presse photographer Christina Assi, and Abdallah died from the blast.Last week, Human Rights Watch reported that the Israeli strike on Abdallah and the others appeared to be deliberate, based on images from the scene, as well as interviews with witnesses. Reuters also released an investigation of the attack finding that an Israeli tank fired twi...
The United Nations’ Treatment of Israel Is Shameful

The United Nations’ Treatment of Israel Is Shameful

The United Nations is suffering from acute moral failure and can’t fulfill its core mission. Israel joined the U.N. in 1949. Universal humanitarian values, civil liberties, the rule of law and political accountability have always been the foundations of Israeli society. We adhere fully to the U.N. charter, which mandates that members maintain international peace and security, uphold international law, achieve higher standards of living for their citizens, and promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, gender, language or religion.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The Militia at the Center of the Darfur Genocide Kills Hundreds in Sudan

The Militia at the Center of the Darfur Genocide Kills Hundreds in Sudan

Listen to article(2 minutes)The gunmen arrived on motorcycles and in the backs of Toyota pickups, brandishing Kalashnikovs and dressed in the telltale sand-colored uniforms of Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces militia. Over three days they killed hundreds of men and teenage boys in a Darfur refugee camp, according to witnesses, local human-rights groups and international aid agencies.The Sudanese-Arab militia worked its way systematically through the tents, shacks and mud houses of the Ardamata camp, shooting male residents. The settlement in western Darfur was home to about 30,000 non-Arab Sudanese people who had fled earlier bouts of fighting in the country’s civil war, which started nearly seven months ago.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5ed...
As Israel’s Government Reels From Attacks, Volunteers Step In

As Israel’s Government Reels From Attacks, Volunteers Step In

By Anat Peled and Shoshanna Solomon | Photographs by Ofir Berman for The Wall Street Journal Oct. 23, 2023 11:00 pm ETListen to article(2 minutes)TEL AVIV—For nine months, Eyal Naveh and his protest group urged army reservists to refuse to volunteer for military duty unless the Israeli government backed down over its plan to overhaul the judiciary.But within minutes of hearing about the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas militants, the 47-year-old former commando and other leaders of Brothers in Arms urgently called on members to report for duty right away. Within hours, they also used their network to marshal thousands of volunteers to help the military mobilize and support the families affected by the biggest single-day loss of Jewish lives since the Holocaust.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Compa...
Israel Needs Unconditional Surrender From Hamas

Israel Needs Unconditional Surrender From Hamas

Israel needs to declare the precise goals of its Gaza campaign—for its own citizens and soldiers, and to establish the credibility of its efforts in the world’s eyes. The “destruction” of Hamas has no meaning in international law and is too vague for Israelis being asked to sacrifice everything.History provides an example of what Israel should do. At the end of World War II, the Allies’ goal was clear: The German Third Reich must agree to an “unconditional surrender.” The Allies’ demand of Germany should be the model for Israel now. Hamas’s war crimes are equal in depravity to those of the Nazis; their magnitude is far less only because Jews now have a fortified homeland and an Israeli army. Hamas and the Nazis also shared the goal of Jewish genocide. Following the Allies’ example, Israel...
Hamas’s Hospital Lie and the Laws of War

Hamas’s Hospital Lie and the Laws of War

President Biden’s speech in Israel Wednesday told the world two truths it needed to hear: The tragic deaths outside a Gaza hospital were caused by a Palestinian rocket, and the U.S. hasn’t wavered in its solidarity with Israel. The President kept the focus where it should be—on Hamas’s gross violations of the laws of war. These are now being misconstrued to tie Israel’s hands, with consequences for the West at large.“The world will know that Israel is stronger than ever,” Mr. Biden said, announcing that he will “keep Iron Dome fully supplied” to shoot down rocket attacks on Israeli civilians and ask Congress for an “unprecedented support package.” U.S. support for Israel’s defense will survive Hamas’s propaganda campaign about the hospital blast.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, In...