Tag: Vancouver

GOP Candidate’s Local Bridge Expert Faces Election Charges

GOP Candidate’s Local Bridge Expert Faces Election Charges

How to deal with the aging Interstate 5 bridge connecting Vancouver, Washington, with Portland, Oregon, has long been a big issue in Pacific Northwest politics.So it made sense Joe Kent, a Republican candidate for Washington’s third congressional district now represented by freshman Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.), would feature on his website an interview with a local resident about the bridge.But the man in the video has also been charged with violating a state law by lying about his residence to run for a seat in the state legislature, which the Perez campaign says undercuts his credibility.“While Marie is bringing back major infrastructure wins for the district that were years in the making, Joe Kent is busy posting conspiracy theories online all day and using people accused of...
Since When Do Millennials Love to Sew?

Since When Do Millennials Love to Sew?

THIS SEPTEMBER, Colin Meredith, a 29-year-old in Vancouver, Canada, went on a six-day camping trip with his brother. Surviving a week in the Canadian wilderness, especially with a sibling, calls for fortitude. More impressive: Meredith, a freelance clothing designer with clients like Rapha, made his tent, sleeping bag and clothes on his home sewing machine. Sewing, as a hobby, evokes grandmas more than campers. Indeed, many learn the basics from an older relative. At some point, though, a lot of would-be tailors discover that old-school models leave room for improvement. When he started sewing this year, Amardeep Singh, 32, got away with using just such a family machine. But when the Brooklyn, N.Y.-based UX designer tried feeding it trendy technical fabrics, it balked. “It was just freaki...