Tag: university presidents

The College Freshman vs. the Harvard President

The College Freshman vs. the Harvard President

One has to admire the logic behind the Harvard Corporation’s decision to retain Claudine Gay as president of the university (“America Gets a Harvard Education,” Review & Outlook, Dec. 13). First, she failed in her response to the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of Israelis. Second, she failed to do anything about the exploding antisemitism on her campus. Third, she failed in her testimony before Congress. Fourth, she failed to cite and quote sources in her academic work. I guess that’s the kind of four-for-four consistency Harvard wants.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
DEI Drives Campus Antisemitism – WSJ

DEI Drives Campus Antisemitism – WSJ

Tuesday’s House hearing on campus antisemitism ratcheted up the pressure on American universities: counter the anti-Israel vitriol that exploded in the wake of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack or risk losing philanthropic and government support. The leading approach is sure to fail: doubling down on the ideologies and practices that led to the pro-Hamas fever in the first place. Bill Ackman, the hedge-fund manager leading a Harvard donor revolt, told CNBC on Nov. 6 that he hadn’t previously read Harvard’s DEI statement. Though he had assumed DEI was “for all marginalized groups,” once he read the statement, he realized that “the DEI program at Harvard is limited to specific groups and exploits others.” Instead, Mr. Ackman suggested, DEI should cover all minorities, including Jews and Asians.Copyrigh...