Tag: terrorist attack

Anti-Zionism Is Deadlier Than Antisemitism

Anti-Zionism Is Deadlier Than Antisemitism

Some say that anti-Zionism isn’t tantamount to antisemitism. If so, it’s worse. Antisemitism always stings, but in the West today, it usually doesn’t wound. The same can’t be said of anti-Zionism.Antisemitism in America has consisted mostly of small things: exclusion from country clubs, restrictive covenants on housing, quotas in college admissions, casual slights and insults. Since World War II, the same has been true, if a little worse, in the rest of the West. America and Europe have seen horrible moments of violence, such as at the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 or the Toulouse shootings in France in 2012, as well as instances of intimidation, vandalism and assault. But these have mostly been isolated incidents.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cb...
How Jews Escaped Their Dismal Fate

How Jews Escaped Their Dismal Fate

Throughout history Jews have suffered mass murder on a regular basis. It began with the expulsion from Judea (which the Romans renamed Syria Palestina) after the Bar Kokhba rebellion in the year 135. Crusaders killed thousands in the Rhineland massacres of 1096. During the Black Death of 1346-53, Jews were blamed for the plague and murdered. Many more were tortured to death and burned during the Spanish Inquisition. In 1648-49, Bogdan Chmielnicki and his Cossacks slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews in Ukraine. The same thing occurred during the Russian pogroms. In Kishinev, 49 Jews were savagely annihilated in 1903, and more were killed in 1905. Arab riots in Hebron and other places in 1929 resulted in 133 Jews killed. Two millennia of murders reached the unthinkable with the Nazi Einsa...
‘Social’ Justice Is Injustice – WSJ

‘Social’ Justice Is Injustice – WSJ

By Matthew Solomson and Tal FortgangWhen federal judges take the oath of office, they say: “I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich.” These words come from the Bible and reflect a key principle of justice in the American tradition, shaped by our Judeo-Christian heritage: Justice isn’t about power. Whether a party is right or wrong in a dispute doesn’t depend on that person’s identity and social station.For a long time, Americans have stood by that idea, considering it obvious. A powerful person could be regarded as a good guy or a bad guy depending on how he amassed and used his power. A powerless person might be virtuous or evil depending on how he dealt with his circumstances. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All...
Only the U.S. Can Restore World Order

Only the U.S. Can Restore World Order

Chaos is spreading throughout the world as a direct consequence of America’s failure to deter Russia, Iran and China. The balance of power in key regions is faltering, leading to instability and global disorder. Like it or not, the U.S. is the only force that can restore equilibrium.In a global conflict, as the Yale political scientist Nicholas Spykman (1893-1943) observed, success or failure in one region has “immediate and determining effect on the others.” Spykman emphasized the importance of preventing the rise of hegemonic powers whose “principles and ideals are opposed to the whole course of Western civilization.” This effort to check power in key regions of the world has been a mainstay of American foreign policy since the Cold War. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All...
Israel Needs Unconditional Surrender From Hamas

Israel Needs Unconditional Surrender From Hamas

Israel needs to declare the precise goals of its Gaza campaign—for its own citizens and soldiers, and to establish the credibility of its efforts in the world’s eyes. The “destruction” of Hamas has no meaning in international law and is too vague for Israelis being asked to sacrifice everything.History provides an example of what Israel should do. At the end of World War II, the Allies’ goal was clear: The German Third Reich must agree to an “unconditional surrender.” The Allies’ demand of Germany should be the model for Israel now. Hamas’s war crimes are equal in depravity to those of the Nazis; their magnitude is far less only because Jews now have a fortified homeland and an Israeli army. Hamas and the Nazis also shared the goal of Jewish genocide. Following the Allies’ example, Israel...
Hamas Mortally Threatens Israel’s Existence

Hamas Mortally Threatens Israel’s Existence

Tel AvivIsrael has to destroy Hamas because the attack of Oct. 7 threatens the country’s existence. If the conflict ends in stalemate or cease-fire, the terrorists will have gotten away with mass atrocities on Israeli soil. We will never be secure from future onslaughts. Tourism and foreign investment will vanish, and many Israelis will raise their children elsewhere. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8