Tag: terrorist

Benjamin Netanyahu: Our Three Prerequisites for Peace

Benjamin Netanyahu: Our Three Prerequisites for Peace

Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized, and Palestinian society must be deradicalized. These are the three prerequisites for peace between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors in Gaza.First, Hamas, a key Iranian proxy, must be destroyed. The U.S., U.K., France, Germany and many other countries support Israel’s intention to demolish the terror group. To achieve that goal, its military capabilities must be dismantled and its political rule over Gaza must end. Hamas’s leaders have vowed to repeat the Oct. 7 massacre “again and again.” That is why their destruction is the only proportional response to prevent the repeat of such horrific atrocities. Anything less guarantees more war and more bloodshed.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe85681...
Israel Faces Pressure to Yield to the ‘Terrorist Veto’

Israel Faces Pressure to Yield to the ‘Terrorist Veto’

There is a tension between Israel’s two objectives of eliminating Hamas as a political and military force and recovering the innocent civilians kidnapped on Oct. 7. Weighing these competing priorities, Israel decided to pause its anti-Hamas military campaign in exchange for the return of some hostages. This policy’s wisdom is debatable.A greater hazard, however, imperils Israel’s legitimate right to self-defense. I call it the “terrorist veto,” and with every passing day, Israel’s chances of escaping it diminish, notwithstanding Friday’s resumption of hostilities. For many people, the not-so-hidden goal of the hostage negotiations is to focus international attention—and emotions—on pausing hostilities indefinitely and tying Israel’s hands militarily. Whether labeled a pause, truce or ceas...
The CFPB Targets an Antiterror Tool

The CFPB Targets an Antiterror Tool

Nov. 28, 2023 12:53 pm ETI led an investigation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation that caught a terrorist plotting an attack on U.S. soil. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is moving to block access to an essential tool my team used.The CFPB is considering a proposal that would effectively ban credit-reporting companies from selling credit-header data to law enforcement agencies. These data include identifying material such as a person’s name, current and former addresses, Social Security number and phone numbers—but not financial information. The CFPB’s proposal would force law-enforcement officers to subpoena this information—a process that can take weeks or months—instead of obtaining instant access. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990c...
The Real Reason Iran Hates Israel

The Real Reason Iran Hates Israel

The Gaza War has led to another debate about what motivates Iran’s ruling elite. Washington has proffered primarily one realist theme: The mullahs wanted to disrupt the diplomacy aimed at Israeli-Saudi normalization, so they helped Hamas unleash a war to awaken the Arab street. Confronted with popular anger, the Arab potentates, they thought, would retreat.But this ignores a fundamental motivation of Iran’s theocracy: anti-Semitism. At least three generations of radical Iranian clerics have viewed Israel as illegitimate, usurping sacred Islamic lands in the name of a pernicious ideology advanced by history’s most devilish and stubborn people. Using the language of French Marxism, they call Israel a Western “colonial-settler state,” and they believe Jews guide American imperialism in the M...
Hamas Holds Everyone Hostage – WSJ

Hamas Holds Everyone Hostage – WSJ

The civilized world is rejoicing at the release of hostages by Hamas, especially the sight of young children reunited with parents after seven weeks of hell. But that relief shouldn’t blind us to the way the jihadists are manipulating human sentiment to achieve their terrorist aims. The killers are releasing a dozen or so hostages each day in return for three times the number of Palestinians released by Israel. Hamas snatched innocent Israelis and others in a deliberate act of terror. The released Palestinians were arrested or convicted of crimes under the law. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
We Can’t Return to a Pre-9/11 Mindset on Foreign Surveillance

We Can’t Return to a Pre-9/11 Mindset on Foreign Surveillance

By Michael B. Mukasey and Jamil N. JafferNov. 23, 2023 12:09 pm ETThe U.S. faces threats from every corner of the globe. Chinese-made fentanyl and its chemical precursors pour through the southern border, and the Communist Party menaces in the Indo-Pacific. Iran’s terrorist proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, fire on American allies and troops in the Mideast. North Korea tests ballistic missiles. Russia continues to wage war in Ukraine. Each of them endangers Americans at home to boot.America’s security depends on our ability to understand and respond to these threats. Yet Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, the primary method for gathering intel against such threats, expires Dec. 31. Letting it lapse over misplaced concerns about Americans’ privacy wou...
The Hostage Deal Means Israel Is Fighting the Clock

The Hostage Deal Means Israel Is Fighting the Clock

With a four-day cease-fire reportedly going into effect Friday, time isn’t on Israel’s side in its war with Hamas in Gaza. Israel already faces challenges unprecedented in the history of war. A terrorist enemy dedicated to its destruction holds hundreds of hostages in a complex tunnel network and uses civilians as human shields. Israeli society, already riven by political infighting, is traumatized by Hamas’s Oct. 7 assault and divided over how to handle the hostage crisis. Further cease-fires mean the recovery of more hostages, but this will slow and eventually halt Israel’s effort to break Hamas’s control over Gaza. That would be a strategic defeat for both Israel and the U.S.Israel needs time to root out Hamas. But the longer the war goes on, the likelier it is to spiral into a regiona...
My School Doesn’t Tolerate Anti-Semitism

My School Doesn’t Tolerate Anti-Semitism

America’s elite colleges and universities are soft on terrorism and strong on anti-Semitism. Who knew?Weak-kneed responses by academic leaders to Hamas’s attack on Israel, coupled with soaring anti-Semitism on campuses, have created a crisis. Jewish students are increasingly unsafe, while major donors are alarmed by the harmful ideas promoted by the institutions they support.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8