Tag: space

NASA confirms its space trash pierced Florida man’s roof

NASA confirms its space trash pierced Florida man’s roof

On March 8, a piece of space debris plunged through a roof in Naples, FL, ripped through two floors and (fortunately) missed the son of homeowner Alejandro Otero. On Tuesday, NASA confirmed the results of its analysis of the incident. As suspected, it’s a piece of equipment dumped from the International Space Station (ISS) three years ago.NASA’s investigation of the object at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral confirmed it was a piece of the EP-9 support equipment used to mount batteries onto a cargo pallet, which the ISS’ robotic arm dropped on March 11, 2021. The haul, made up of discarded nickel-hydrogen batteries, was expected to orbit Earth between two to four years (it split the difference, lasting almost exactly three) “before burning up harmlessly in the atmosphere,” as NASA p...
Space Force Is Planning a Military Exercise in Orbit

Space Force Is Planning a Military Exercise in Orbit

The Victus Haze mission is more complicated than Victus Nox, involving two prime contractors, two spacecraft, and two rocket launches from different spaceports, all timed to occur with short timelines "to keep the demonstration as realistic as possible," a Space Force spokesperson told Ars."This demonstration will ultimately prepare the United States Space Force to provide future forces to combatant commands to conduct rapid operations in response to adversary on-orbit aggression," Space Systems Command said in a statement.Faith in Commercial Space"This is a really significant operational demonstration that is really pushing the envelope on technology and demonstrates a lot of faith in the US industrial base," Rogers said."Fundamentally, this is about characterizing an unknown capability ...
The Best Total Solar Eclipse Photos (2024)

The Best Total Solar Eclipse Photos (2024)

The arrival of the total solar eclipse in the US has brought with it an impressive array of photographs as well. If you weren't able to find a spot to view the eclipse in person—or if it was stuck behind uncooperative clouds—you can at least get a sense of its grandeur through these photographs taken at different points along its journey.The path of totality began in Mexico on Monday morning, working its way up through Texas by early afternoon. By 4:40 pm ET, it will have left the US entirely and headed into Canada. If you're in or near its path, make sure to put on approved sunglasses—or make your own pinhole—to view it for yourself. And if you happen to have pets or live near wildlife, NASA could use a hand figuring out how animals respond to the eclipse.Otherwise, enjoy these incredibl...
One of these concept lunar vehicles could join NASA’s Artemis V astronauts on the moon

One of these concept lunar vehicles could join NASA’s Artemis V astronauts on the moon

Three companies are vying for the opportunity to send their own lunar vehicle to the moon to support NASA’s upcoming Artemis missions. The this week that it’s chosen Intuitive Machines, Lunar Outpost and Venturi Astrolab to develop their lunar terrain vehicles (LTV) in a feasibility study over the next year. After that, only one is expected to be selected for a demonstration mission, in which the vehicle will be completed and sent to the moon for performance and safety tests. NASA is planning to use the LTV starting with the Artemis V crew that’s projected to launch in early 2030.The LTV that eventually heads to the moon’s south pole needs to function as both a crewed and uncrewed vehicle, serving sometimes as a mode of transportation for astronauts and other times as a remotely operated...
How Will the Solar Eclipse Affect Animals? NASA Needs Your Help to Find Out

How Will the Solar Eclipse Affect Animals? NASA Needs Your Help to Find Out

In other anecdotes, onlookers have reported birds that stop singing, crickets that stopped chirping, or bees that return to their hive, reduce their foraging, or suspend their flight during total darkness. But there are also studies that deny that some of these behaviors occur or can be attributed to the eclipse.Therefore, NASA scientists plan not only to systematize observations but also to document what people hear and see under the shadow of the moon.“The Great North American Eclipse”NASA has created the Eclipse Soundscapes citizen science project to collect the experiences of volunteers. It was inspired by a study conducted nearly 100 years ago by William M. Wheeler and a team of collaborators. At that time, the Boston Natural History Society invited citizens, park rangers, and natura...
Businesses in path of totality try to cash in on eclipse

Businesses in path of totality try to cash in on eclipse

Businesses in path of totality try to cash in on eclipse - CBS News Watch CBS News People along the path of totality are gearing up for Monday's total solar eclipse, and local businesses are hoping to cash in on the opportunity. Janet Shamlian takes a look at how business owners are looking to take advantage of the celestial event. Be the first to know Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Not Now Turn On
These Rogue Worlds Upend the Theory of How Planets Form

These Rogue Worlds Upend the Theory of How Planets Form

“We know from direct imaging searches of young stars that very few stars have giant planets in [wide] orbits,” Bate said. “It is difficult to accept that there were many large planetary systems in Orion to disrupt.”Rogue Objects AboundAt this point, many researchers suspect there’s more than one way to make these strange in-between objects. For instance, with some fiddling, theorists might find that supernova shock waves can compress smaller gas clouds and help them to collapse into pairs of tiny stars more readily than expected. And Wang’s simulations have shown that booting giant planets in pairs is, at least in some cases, theoretically unavoidable.While many questions remain, the multitude of free-floating worlds discovered in the past two years has taught researchers two things. Firs...
The Tantalizing Mystery of the Solar System’s Hidden Oceans

The Tantalizing Mystery of the Solar System’s Hidden Oceans

And yet, defiantly, these alien seas remain liquid.A Mirror-Wrapped OceanScientists suspect that a handful of moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn—and maybe even some spinning around Uranus and Neptune—harbor oceans. Hefty Ganymede and crater-scarred Callisto produce weak, Europa-like magnetic signals. Saturn’s haze-covered Titan, too, very probably has a liquid-water subsurface ocean. These “are the five that most scientists in the community feel pretty confidently about,” said Mike Sori, a planetary scientist at Purdue University.With her colleagues, Margaret Kivelson, a space physicist at UCLA, determined that a global ocean is likely hiding beneath Europa’s surface. Courtesy of Margaret KivelsonSo far, the only absolute oceanic certainty is Enceladus. “That’s a no-brainer,” said Carly Ho...
Amazon Hires Elon Musk’s SpaceX for Three Rocket Launches

Amazon Hires Elon Musk’s SpaceX for Three Rocket Launches

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk have both spent decades building space companies. Now, Bezos’ Amazon.com is turning to Musk’s SpaceX for a ride to orbit.Amazon, which Bezos founded and where he still serves as executive chairman, said Friday that it hired Musk’s SpaceX to conduct three rocket launches for the Seattle company’s planned satellite-internet division. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Got $1,350? Spend a Night in a Space Observatory. Here’s What It’s Like.

Got $1,350? Spend a Night in a Space Observatory. Here’s What It’s Like.

FROM THE TOP of Kitt Peak National Observatory, just 50 miles from downtown Tucson, the autumn night sky blazed; the Milky Way was so dense with stars it looked like a luminescent cloud. Jupiter shone like a beacon—so bright I wondered how I’d never noticed it before. And that was before we were directed to the telescopes. After lifetimes in cities where urban lights blot out the night sky, my wife, Deb, and I have sought out stargazing opportunities. Count us among the many who have popularized so-called dark-sky tourism, in which star seekers travel to find better viewing conditions. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8