Tag: snack

Healthy Snack Ideas for Planes, Trains and Road Trips

Healthy Snack Ideas for Planes, Trains and Road Trips

Over the river and through the woods — if only it were that simple. For most people, traveling involves eye-glazing waits at an airport or train station, or hours of driving. At some point, you’ll want a snack.Snacking healthfully while in transit can be tricky. The grab-and-go options “are likely to be processed or ultra-processed foods higher in fat, higher in sodium and lower in fiber,” said Kayli Anderson, a registered dietitian and faculty member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.Deviating from your usual routines when you travel can lead to unpredictable spikes in hunger, she added. And time pressures — rushing to catch a flight or train, for example — can make it hard to sit down for a meal.“Boredom eating” is also common during long trips, said Shona Halson, a professo...
Want to Throw a Great Dinner Party? Start With Garlic Shrimp a la Plancha

Want to Throw a Great Dinner Party? Start With Garlic Shrimp a la Plancha

By Odette Williams / Photographs by Graydon + Herriott for The Wall Street Journal, Food Styling by Rebecca Jurkevich, Prop Styling by Amy Wilson Oct. 18, 2023 3:30 pm ETListen to article(2 minutes)YEARS AGO, my aunt and I used to go to this Spanish restaurant in Sydney and get the shrimp a la plancha. It came with a serving of fries and a simple green salad. Though smaller plates were the popular move at this place, my aunt was like Sally from “When Harry Met Sally,” always ordering exactly what she wanted. Out came our trawler of simply seared shrimp, sailing by tabletops of tiny tapas. As the waiter approached, we’d take bets on the head count. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8