Tag: seniors

How Bidenomics May Cost Biden the Youth Vote

How Bidenomics May Cost Biden the Youth Vote

Nov. 12, 2023 12:50 pm ETPresident Biden turns 81 on Nov. 20, and polls show that Democrats are increasingly worried about his mental and physical decline. But the incumbent has another age problem: Donald Trump is running on par with him among young voters.Mr. Biden won the youth vote by double digits in 2020, while seniors swung for Mr. Trump. Recent polls, however, show that seniors are now the only age group that favors Mr. Biden in a rematch. It isn’t difficult to explain the reversal. Bidenomics has exacted a massive wealth transfer from young people to seniors.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
9 Bucket List Cruises for Seniors and Retirees

9 Bucket List Cruises for Seniors and Retirees

Cruises are an often dreamt-about retirement goal, especially for long-time cruise lovers who have always been short on time. Retirement can be the ideal season of life to sail off into the sunset for several weeks, whether to far-off lands like Antarctica or a peaceful journey down the Danube. In some cases, seniors embrace their golden years by booking epic, monthslong voyages around the world.Many small- and medium-sized ships cater to the over-60 crowd, but that doesn't mean guests will be relegated to shuffleboard and bingo games. Today's seniors still have plenty of adventures to experience and memories to make, both on board and on shore. The following cruise lines offer the top bucket list sailings for seniors and retirees.Windstar Cruises(Courtesy of Windstar Cruises)Anyone who h...
6 Best Non-Slip Shoes of 2023

6 Best Non-Slip Shoes of 2023

It should be a given that all shoes must be slip-resistant, but the truth of the matter is that many shoes are designed for aesthetics over functionality. This is especially true of feminine styles and dress shoes, where appearance often takes priority over everything else. While no one wants to slide around as they walk, for those who are older and/or have physical disabilities, wearing slippery shoe soles can be especially hazardous. Luckily, more brands than ever sell sturdy shoe soles as part of their designs. Whether you’re looking for comfortable and professional shoes for work, lounging around the house, or heading off for a night out, there are some great non-slip options out there for you. Here are some of the best slip-resistant ...