For Flouting Investment Advisory Rules, Sebi Bans 9 Entities From Securities Mkt
Sebi imposed a penalty totalling Rs 18 lakh on them and asked them to pay the amount within 45 days.Sebi asked entities to "jointly and severally refund the amount/fees/consideration received from any complainant/investor/client, within a period of 3 monthsCapital markets regulator Sebi has barred nine entities from the securities market for at least two years and directed them to refund Rs 8 crore collected from investors, through unregistered investment advisory services, within three months. Additionally, the regulator has imposed a penalty totalling Rs 18 lakh on them and asked them to pay the amount within 45 days.The nine entities that have been prohibited are — Yogesh Kukadia, Rajesh R Kallidumbil, Nithin Raj, Signal2Noise Capital Partners, Investo Investment Advisers, SS Info Sale...