Tag: Sanctions

Venezuela Breaks Another Promise – WSJ

Venezuela Breaks Another Promise – WSJ

Well, that was predictable. On Nov. 30 the Maduro regime in Venezuela ignored the U.S. deadline to lay out a process to reinstate opposition candidates for a 2024 presidential election. Will the Biden Administration take it lying down? In return for that Maduro promise, made Oct. 17 with the democratic opposition, the Biden Administration eased sanctions for six months on the export of Venezuelan oil and new investment in the country. The U.S. also lifted bans on dealing with the government-owned mining company and on trading some Venezuelan securities. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Heineken sells its Russia operations for 1 euro

Heineken sells its Russia operations for 1 euro

Ukraine's U.N. ambassador on year of war Ukraine's ambassador to the U.N. on Russia's invasion, sanctions and China's role 04:53 Heineken has sold its business in Russia for one euro more than a year after it vowed to pull out of the country in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The Dutch brewer is taking a €300 million loss, or roughly $325 million, by selling its business to Russian manufacturer Arnest Group, making Heineken on...
U.S. Treasury chief Janet Yellen pushes China over “punitive actions” against American businesses

U.S. Treasury chief Janet Yellen pushes China over “punitive actions” against American businesses

Beijing — U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, in Beijing for meetings with top Chinese officials and American companies that do business in the country, said the U.S. welcomes healthy economic competition with China, but only if it's fair. Yellen also said she was concerned about new export controls announced by China on two critical minerals used in technologies like semiconductors."We are still evaluating the impact of these actions," she said, "but they remind us of the importance of diversified supply chains."Her message to company representatives, including from corporate giants such as Boeing and Bank of America that have significant operations in China, was that the U.S. government understands it's not been an easy time. "I've been part...