Tag: Rice output

Kharif crop yields, including rice, may drop due to uneven monsoon

Kharif crop yields, including rice, may drop due to uneven monsoon

Production of rice, the biggest cereal grown during the kharif season, could drop by 3.79 per cent in the 2023-24 season to 106.31 million tonnes, compared with 110.5 million tonnes, according to the final estimate for 2022-23. This decline is attributed to an uneven monsoon, despite higher than usual acreage. According to the first advanced estimate of kharif foodgrain production released late last night, production of all major kharif crops this year may decline, with moong, urad, soybean, and sugarcane leading the pack. The decline is due to a prolonged dry spell in August and an uneven monsoon at the start of the season. Earlier, an assessment by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicated that rice production this kharif season mi...