Tag: republicans (g.o.p.)

Bidenomics Is a Political Bust for Biden

Bidenomics Is a Political Bust for Biden

To hear President Biden tell it, everything is going great. G.D.P. is up, the deficit is down. Semiconductors are being made in the U.S.A. again. Bridges and tunnels and roads are being fixed. There’s even, unlikely as it sounds, a manufacturing boom. During an appearance on Wednesday in Pueblo, Colorado, Biden touted all he’s done for that corner of southeastern Colorado. The event was held at a wind-turbine factory, where eight hundred and fifty new jobs had been created courtesy of his signature Inflation Reduction Act. Funding from his beloved infrastructure bill had brought in a new water pipeline to serve fifty thousand people and affordable high-speed Internet for local Native American communities. In theory, this was an official Presidential appearance; in practice, it had the fee...
Tim Scott, and the Republican Party’s Vexed Relationship with Race

Tim Scott, and the Republican Party’s Vexed Relationship with Race

Listen and subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google | Wherever You ListenSign up to receive our twice-weekly News & Politics newsletter.The South Carolina senator Tim Scott likes to point to himself as an example of racial progress in America. But in a recent story for The New Yorker, Robert Samuels looked into Scott’s personal story—in many ways a messier tale than the one he tells—and into the ways that the “​​concave mirror shaped by his own experience” distorts Scott’s view of politics. Samuels joins Tyler Foggatt to discuss Scott’s Presidential run, and what he reveals about the Republican Party’s relationship to race and racism.
Abortion Opponents Are Targeting a Signature G.O.P. Public-Health Initiative

Abortion Opponents Are Targeting a Signature G.O.P. Public-Health Initiative

At a World AIDS Day event last year honoring George W. Bush, the former President, wearing a suit and tie and a red solidarity ribbon, settled into a chair onstage, microphone in hand. “It takes a lot to get me back to Washington,” he said, “and PEPFAR is it.” Formally known as the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, PEPFAR is easily one of the most successful foreign-policy initiatives in modern U.S. history. Created by Bush in 2003, at the height of the AIDS epidemic in Africa, the program is credited with saving as many as twenty-five million lives by investing in medicines and treatment networks. “I’m here to say as loud and clear as I can, Congress must fund PEPFAR,” Bush told his audience. “And you know what? It works, with verifiable results.”Funding PEPFAR has never been a...