Tag: relationships

Lost in the shuffle: Unpacking popcorn brain – Causes, effects, and few hacks

Lost in the shuffle: Unpacking popcorn brain – Causes, effects, and few hacks

How much is too much? If you have landed on this article, it means you either were fascinated by "Popcorn" in the headline, or it was a typical irresistible habit to pick up your phone every few minutes to check without a good reason. Picture this: you are at home watching your favourite series. You hear a ting and pick up your phone; suddenly, there is a gush of work emails and notifications from social media and apps on your phone.You are now engaged on your phone and television without batting an eyelid. Yikes, the washing machine buzzes, and so does the oven. It's getting out of hand, yet you feel a distinct pride that you are adept at multitasking. Nope, it's not just multitasking; it's what we are discussing today.The term 'Popcorn brain or kernel brain' was first coined in 2011 by ...
Good News: You Don’t Have to Sleep With Your Spouse

Good News: You Don’t Have to Sleep With Your Spouse

Ever tried to get a good night’s sleep with your partner snoring or tossing around restlessly next to you?You’re gonna like this: Therapists and sleep scientists say it’s OK for couples to sleep apart as a growing body of research shows the striking importance of sleep. It’s a reversal from the long-held marriage tenet that once partners move to separate beds, the romance is dead.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
How to approach highly sensitive people

How to approach highly sensitive people

Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are those who have a heightened sensitivity to various stimuli, such as emotions, sounds, lights, smells, and textures. They make up about 15 to 20 percent of the population, and they have many strengths, such as empathy, creativity, and intuition. However, they also face many challenges, overstimulation happens to them often and they are very overwhelmed by criticism. HSPs often feel misunderstood and isolated by others who do not share their sensitivity. Therefore, it is important to know how to approach them in a respectful and supportive way. Here are some tips on how to do that.
Yelp, Strava and Duolingo Are…Dating Apps?

Yelp, Strava and Duolingo Are…Dating Apps?

On the internet, every app can be a dating app.Just ask Strava user Courtney Hollingsworth. She has long used the exercise-tracking app Strava to log her runs and workouts, and leave kudos and comments for fellow athletes. Two years ago, she also used it to let a fellow runner know she was single and interested.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Yelp, Strava and Duolingo Are…Dating Apps?

Yelp, Strava and Duolingo Are…Dating Apps?

On the internet, every app can be a dating app.Just ask Strava user Courtney Hollingsworth. She has long used the exercise-tracking app Strava to log her runs and workouts, and leave kudos and comments for fellow athletes. Two years ago, she also used it to let a fellow runner know she was single and interested.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Weekend podcast: Nicolas Cage, Marina Hyde on David Cameron’s return, plus cardiologists’ advice for a healthy heart | Life and style

Is Rishi Sunak rewarding failure? With David Cameron back it’s being celebrated like never before, says Marina Hyde (1m28s); Nicolas Cage on dreams, fame and his two-headed snake (10m25s); why one woman flew across the world to win back her ex (22m51s); and four cardiologists share 20 simple steps to a healthy heart (27m37s) How to listen to podcasts: everything you need to know
“May December” Knows What It Thinks, and That’s a Problem

“May December” Knows What It Thinks, and That’s a Problem

Some of the main conflicts in Todd Haynes’s new film, “May December” (which opens Friday), are practically shouted from behind the camera, and they drown out other ones on which the story equally depends. The movie is a loose adaptation of the real-life story of Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili Fualaau, who met in the mid-nineties at middle school and began a sexual relationship. Letourneau was a teacher in her thirties; Fualaau was twelve. Letourneau was convicted of rape and went to prison. They had two daughters together and, after her release, reunited and married. In “May December,” the couple is Gracie Atherton (Julianne Moore) and Joe Yoo (Charles Melton). He’s now in his thirties, and she’s in her fifties. They have three children and live in Savannah, Georgia. She’s a baker who also ...
Why, and How, to Break Up With Old Friends

Why, and How, to Break Up With Old Friends

Journal Reports: RetirementTwo Minnesotans Retired in Cornwall, England. They Love It—Even the Food.By Ellen HawleyNovember 10, 2023 at 4:00 PM ETBut the thing that makes them most happy are the people around them.
Facing the Rivals | The New Yorker

Facing the Rivals | The New Yorker

Though Henri and Marie-Céleste took the spotlight off me, they did not relieve me of my primary burden. Their rapport was principally with my father, who appreciated both their humor and their intellect—I always thought that my dad, who worked in factories from age fourteen until his retirement, might in different circumstances have become an academic himself. I had few conflicts with my father, the more broad-minded of my parents by some distance. My mother clearly enjoyed the company of Henri and Marie-Céleste, but wasn’t quite as close to them, because they lacked the one quality she considered essential: piety. My mother was a hard-shell peasant Catholic who had never read the Bible but believed fervently in rituals, icons, beads, scapulars, and above all the spiritual benefits of har...