Tag: Prison

Message From a Cuban Jail

Message From a Cuban Jail

Mary Anastasia O'Grady writes "The Americas," a weekly column on politics, economics and business in Latin America and Canada that appears every Monday in the Journal. Ms. O'Grady joined the paper in August 1995 and became a senior editorial page writer in December 1999. She was appointed an editorial board member in November 2005. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Indianapolis­-based Liberty Fund. In 2012 Ms. O’Grady won the Walter Judd Freedom Award from The Fund for American Studies. In 2009 Ms. O'Grady received the Thomas Jefferson Award from The Association of Private Enterprise Education. In 2005 Ms. O'Grady won the Bastiat Prize for Journalism awarded by the International Policy Network for her articles on the World Bank, the underground economy in Brazil and th...
Gridiron Mischief in the Midwest

Gridiron Mischief in the Midwest

You say it’s a tale of cunning football scheming you want?Right now the biggest gridiron story is the suspension of University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh in the wake of charges that his team benefited from signals surreptitiously purloined from future opponents’ sidelines.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Far Rockaway gunfight puts suspect behind bars

Far Rockaway gunfight puts suspect behind bars

A Queens man convicted in a drug-related shootout that sent terrified bystanders running for cover last year was sentenced to 17 years in prison for the Far Rockaway gunfight. Marvin Mitchell, 37, of Springfield Gardens, was found guilty at trial last month on multiple charges stemming from the March 2022 incident sparked by a dispute among drug dealers over their territories, said Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz. “This defendant opened fire in broad daylight on a busy street with no regard for where those bullets might end up,” said Katz. “Our streets are not the Wild West and we will continue to do everything in our power to rid them of illegal guns and drugs.” Mitchell, known on the streets as “Fab,” was sentenced Wednesday by Queens Criminal Court Justice Michael Yavinski for hi...
New Jersey Solitary Confinement Reform Hasn’t Changed Much In Prisons

New Jersey Solitary Confinement Reform Hasn’t Changed Much In Prisons

This story was produced in partnership with the Inside/Out Journalism Project by Type Investigations, which works with incarcerated reporters to produce ambitious, feature-length investigations, with support from the Wayne Barrett Project.Nathan Gray often found himself pacing his cramped cell, barraged night and day by the sound of other men’s screams. The cell was chilly, with a paper-thin mattress, a small shelf for his belongings and a combined sink and toilet. In this small space, he ate his meals, read Frantz Fanon and Angela Davis and slept when he could. When depression overwhelmed him, he had no one to talk to. He didn’t tell his family about the conditions he was forced to deal with; he didn’t want to worry them.Gray and his neighbors were permitted to leave their cells for only...
Jailed Sam Bankman-Fried is surviving on bread and water, harming ability to prepare for trial, lawyers say

Jailed Sam Bankman-Fried is surviving on bread and water, harming ability to prepare for trial, lawyers say

Sam Bankman-Fried pleads not guilty at Manhattan arraignment Sam Bankman-Fried pleads not guilty at Manhattan arraignment 00:32 FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is surviving on bread, water and sometimes peanut butter because the jail where he's housed continues to serve him a "flesh diet" despite requests for vegan dishes, his attorneys told a magistrate judge Tuesday. His limited diet and other issues are hampering his ability to prepare for his trial, they added.Earlier this month, Bankman-...