Tag: personal care

Wipro Consumer acquires 3 brands from VVF to expand personal care segment

Wipro Consumer acquires 3 brands from VVF to expand personal care segment

Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting, part of Wipro Enterprises, announced the acquisition of three soap brands – Jo, Doy, and Bacter Shield – from Mumbai-based VVF India, to expand its personal care segment. This is the company's 15th acquisition so far and the third in the last 12 months. While the company did not reveal the cost of the acquisition, it said it has invested about $1 billion in acquisitions so far. The acquisition will be a strategic expansion for Wipro in the personal wash segment. Jo toilet soap is a key brand with a significant play in the North, East, and West markets. Doy operates in the premium segment with differentiated positioning, and Bacter Shield has an antibacterial range of soap and handwash. These brands together recorded a revenue of over ...
Weight Watchers Should Not Be Apologizing

Weight Watchers Should Not Be Apologizing

As the son of one of the founders of Weight Watchers (WW), I am appalled and insulted by the comments current CEO Sima Sistani made in “The New WeightWatchers: Oprah, Ozempic and Apologies” (Exchange, Oct. 7). She is clearly out of touch with the company’s legacy. Full disclosure, my father was the “brains” behind WW, encouraging Jean Nidetch to be the face of the company. He orchestrated the sale of WW to the H.J. Heinz Co. in 1978. He was a board member for two decades until his passing in 1998. My mother wrote most of the WW cookbooks. The company had its origin in the basement of my parents’ Baldwin, N.Y., home.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8