Tag: patients

15 Simple Tips to Lose Belly Fat

15 Simple Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Struggling to lose belly fat but not sure how? You're not alone. Stubborn belly fat often remains the final hurdle in the realm of toning and weight loss, and many people struggle for years to get rid of it.Getty ImagesWhat Is Belly Fat?Belly fat is the fat that appears around the abdominal area. Some people have the more dangerous visceral fat, which is fat that surrounds your organs and raises risk for heart disease.It’s also possible to have visceral fat even if you’re thin elsewhere, says Mary Sabat, a nutritionist and ACE-certified trainer based in Milton, Georgia. Visceral fat can be detrimental to health, even if a person appears slim.These reasons could explain the presence of belly fat and the challenges to get rid of it: It's a quick source of energy for the body. It's easy to ...
DeSantis Is Right About Medicaid

DeSantis Is Right About Medicaid

North Carolina has become the 40th state to succumb to federal cash and adopt ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion for able-bodied working-age adults. A new study from the Paragon Health Institute shows there is little to celebrate. Overall health is unlikely to improve despite this massive increase in public welfare. We now have 10 years of data on ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion. The evidence against the policy is overwhelming: Expansion leads to a surge in spending but reduces healthcare access for traditional Medicaid enrollees such as low-income children and people with disabilities. And it doesn’t improve health.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
12 Easy Stretches and Exercises for Lower Back Pain| U.S. News

12 Easy Stretches and Exercises for Lower Back Pain| U.S. News

If there is one ailment that almost everyone can identify with, it’s lower back pain. Doctors field more complaints about aching backs than just about any other health problem – and it's no wonder. Nearly 65 million Americans report suffering back pain at any given moment, says Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute. About 16 million adults, or 8% of the adult population, have persistent or chronic back pain that limits everyday activities.As a result of all these backaches, back pain is a leading cause of work-loss days, resulting in more than 264 million lost workdays in one year, says the American Chiropractic Association. That’s equal to two workdays for every full-time worker in the country. A 2016 analysis by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that low ba...
Effective Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercise, According to Experts

Effective Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercise, According to Experts

The most effective approach to losing weight is to include dietary changes and regular physical activity. But is it possible to lose weight without exercising?Getty ImagesExercise helps the body burn calories more efficiently, says Dr. Scott A. Cunneen, director of metabolic and bariatric surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.Exercise speeds up metabolism, which is one reason why it is a natural companion to eating differently for weight loss. By watching what you eat, taking in fewer calories and burning off calories with exercise, you can create a greater energy deficit, helping to expedite weight loss, says Tamara Duker Freuman, a registered dietitian with New York Gastroenterology Associates.If you can't exercise, it may take you longer to lose weight. This isn't neces...
Changing Medicare Supplement Plans | U.S. News

Changing Medicare Supplement Plans | U.S. News

(Getty Images)If you aren't happy with your current Medicare supplement plan or are feeling overwhelmed by choosing a plan, you'll find comfort in knowing that it's possible to switch Medicare supplement plans. You aren't stuck with your current plan forever. Medicare supplement plans help to cover costs associated with Medicare, the federal government's health insurance plan for those age 65 and over. Medicare options can get confusing, but it’s worth taking the time to compare prices and benefits of the plans you use, including supplement plans.Medicare has several parts: Part A: Inpatient hospital coverage, skilled nursing facility care, home health care and hospice. There’s a deductible, or an amount of money you must pay, associated with Part A based on the number of days you stay a...