Tag: parenting

​7 things that kids need to hear every morning

​7 things that kids need to hear every morning

Quality time promiseExpressing your enthusiasm for spending time with your child reinforces their sense of importance and strengthens the bond between you. Whether it's playing together, going for a walk, or simply sharing stories, let them know that you value and prioritise the moments spent together.
19 Best Gifts for Dad (2024): Grilling Gear, Coffee, Mitts

19 Best Gifts for Dad (2024): Grilling Gear, Coffee, Mitts

Your dad probably isn’t going to complain about any gift you give him. For better or worse, most modern dads don’t get hung up on presents. You know the meme of the older, bearded gentleman with a goofy smile opening a shirt just like the one he has on? There’s a lot of truth to that. However, I am not only a dad and a gear reviewer but also someone with a specific philosophy about what makes a good gift for middle-aged men like me.You’ll notice some threads running through this manifesto guide: The best gifts for a dad are things that not only are relevant to his interests but also can be fairly described as “overkill.” Dads tend to like things that are overbuilt but useful. I’m sure some dads want to be “pampered,” but this is not me or the dads I know, who all physically cringed readin...
5 secrets to raise a well-behaved kid

5 secrets to raise a well-behaved kid

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5 new year resolutions for parents

5 new year resolutions for parents

Whether you resolve to spend more quality time with your children or engage in activities that foster bonding, Here are some primary new year resolutions you should be making in 2024 for raising your children in the best way possible.
Musk Says ‘Make More Italians’

Musk Says ‘Make More Italians’

William McGurn is a member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board and writes the weekly "Main Street" column for the Journal each Tuesday. Previously he served as Chief Speechwriter for President George W. Bush.Mr. McGurn has served as chief editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal in New York. He spent more than a decade overseas -- in Brussels for The Wall Street Journal/Europe and in Hong Kong with both the Asian Wall Street Journal and the Far Eastern Economic Review. And in the mid-1990s, he was Washington Bureau Chief for National Review.Bill is author of a book on Hong Kong ("Perfidious Albion") and a monograph on terrorism ("Terrorist or Freedom Fighter"). He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, holds a BA in philosophy from Notre Dame and an MS in Communicatio...
God’s Mercy and the Atari I Never Got

God’s Mercy and the Atari I Never Got

Heavy is the heart weighed down with memories of the one that got away, especially around Christmas. My heart was once so encumbered, not by a past flame but by the Atari 2600 home videogame console.It was early December 1981, and everyone I knew seemed to be playing “Space Invaders.” My elder sister, Brig, 12, younger brother, Jack, 8, and I, 10, had pestered our parents for it all year. We’d long heard nothing but such disheartening retorts as “Atari will rot your brain.”Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
10 Best Strollers for Almost Every Budget and Need (2023)

10 Best Strollers for Almost Every Budget and Need (2023)

When I started shopping for a stroller, I purchased the cheapest one that worked with my car seat and called it a day. To no one's surprise, that stroller is terrible, and both my child and I hated using it.A good stroller, it turns out, goes a long way for you and your little one's enjoyment while going for a walk, running errands, or just lugging them from one location to the next. When your kid is small, safely using a stroller requires car seat adapters or the right bassinet-style attachment. Then, they get bigger, and so does all the stuff you have to carry around. But if the wheels don't work or something breaks? I don't know about you, but I'm going home.It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the options and scared off by the sticker shock. After a bad experience with a cheap stroll...
Guava Family Roam Stroller Review (2023): Convenient Jogging Stroller

Guava Family Roam Stroller Review (2023): Convenient Jogging Stroller

Once it's folded, the stroller is considerably smaller than any of the other joggers I've tested from Thule and Bob. It looks as small as a standard stroller while folded, but it stands up better than most strollers you'll find, thanks to the handlebar at the base.Pump the BrakesThe biggest downside of this jogger is clear: the lack of a hand brake.It's usually an included feature in any jogging stroller to better control your pace as you run, especially if you're running on hills or slopes of any kind. Otherwise, you have to manage the stroller as you run downhill, instead of being able to control the stroller's speed to match yours.Some have better hand brakes than others. Thule's discreet but easy-to-use brake is my personal favorite, which is one of the many reasons it's our top pick ...
It Isn’t Just About Bonding. Giving Up Paternity Leave Costs You Money.

It Isn’t Just About Bonding. Giving Up Paternity Leave Costs You Money.

Listen to article(2 minutes)A lot of new fathers are leaving money on the table—their paid paternity leave.Expanded access to parental leave is among the biggest changes to workplaces in recent years, and fathers have been prime beneficiaries. Yet plenty of dads still see it as a career risk. They worry their commitment to their jobs will be questioned or they will face ridicule (Exhibit A: U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg). Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
It Isn’t Just About Bonding. Giving Up Paternity Leave Costs You Money.

It Isn’t Just About Bonding. Giving Up Paternity Leave Costs You Money.

Listen to article(2 minutes)A lot of new fathers are leaving money on the table—their paid paternity leave.Expanded access to parental leave is among the biggest changes to workplaces in recent years, and fathers have been prime beneficiaries. Yet plenty of dads still see it as a career risk. They worry their commitment to their jobs will be questioned or they will face ridicule (Exhibit A: U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg). Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8