‘Psychology of Money’ Morgan Housel: Good Investing Comes From Knowing Yourself
As Morgan Housel tells it, his interest in investing started in his late teens when his grandparents gave him $1,000 and he put the money in a short-term certificate of deposit. When he checked the account the next day, he was stunned to see he had earned three cents of interest without having to do anything. Fast forward to today: Housel is arguably the most popular writer on investor behavior, thanks to his knack for aphorisms and making the complicated simple. In 2007, he joined The Motley Fool and parlayed his interest in investing behavior into a successful career as a blogger. But it was his 2020 best-selling book, The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed and Happiness, that catapulted him to wider fame. The book has sold nearly four million copies and been transla...