Tag: New York Times

AI and Journalism Need Each Other

AI and Journalism Need Each Other

In the Associated Press newsroom a decade ago, I witnessed the birth of a new era: AI penning news. Before artificial intelligence rose to its current prominence, it wasn’t tech luminaries but journalists at AP who floated the audacious idea of machines taking up editorial roles. As I watched lines of code spin stories, a thought nagged at me: Weren’t stories meant to be earned, not generated?Fast-forward to today, and this once-controversial shift has proved revolutionary for AP and many other organizations. Tackling two monumental challenges in journalism—covering an ever-expanding breadth of news and overcoming the limits of human capacity—AI has reshaped the industry. AI enabled AP to broaden its quarterly financial reporting from 400 companies to 4,000. This had ripple effects: Stanf...
New York Times Slams GOP Senator For ‘Parroting Disinformation’

New York Times Slams GOP Senator For ‘Parroting Disinformation’

The New York Times sent a letter to Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) on Friday condemning him for suggesting that its employees were involved in Hamas’ attack on Israel last month, calling him out for “parroting disinformation.”The message came in response to a letter that Cotton sent to Times leadership Thursday citing “reports” that the newspaper’s journalists were “embedded with Hamas, knew about the attack, and ... accompanied members of Hamas as they carried out the attack.”The “reports” Cotton referenced are completely unverified and irresponsible to share as valid sources of information, Times counsel David McCraw said in response.“As I am sure you agree, the spread of disinformation and incendiary rhetoric threatens the health of our democracy. Sadly, your letter to The New York Times of ...
E-Travel Dreams and the New York Times

E-Travel Dreams and the New York Times

James Freeman is assistant editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page and author of the weekday Best of the Web column. He is the co-author of "Borrowed Time: Two Centuries of Booms, Busts and Bailouts at Citi," recognized as a New York Times Editors' Choice and a Financial Times Business Book of the Month. He is a contributor to the Fox News Channel and a host of "Deep Dive" on Fox Nation. Before joining the Journal in September 2007, James served as investor advocate at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, where he encouraged the transformation of financial reporting technology to benefit individual investors. He is a graduate of Yale.Follow James on Twitter @FreemanWSJ
Why Stanford’s Leaders Tolerate Anti-Semitism

Why Stanford’s Leaders Tolerate Anti-Semitism

After Hamas massacred some 1,400 Israelis on Oct. 7, many Stanford students marched in support of the terrorist group, chanting “2, 4, 6, 8, smash the Zionist settler state.” University leaders responded with a statement supporting “academic freedom,” including the “expression of controversial and even offensive views.”This is the same university where administrators last year undertook an Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative, which published a catalog of words and phrases to be removed from the school’s websites. Among the proscribed terms: “American,” “immigrant” and “blind study.”Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8