Tag: morning rituals

Parenting Tips: ​Morning rituals every kid should be taught​ | Times of India

Parenting Tips: ​Morning rituals every kid should be taught​ | Times of India

Parenting Tips: ​Morning rituals every kid should be taught​ | Times of India | Times of IndiaAug 1, 2023TIMESOFINDIA.COM​Teach your kid to say a small prayer immediately after waking up.​​Teach your kid to set the bed soon after they leave it.​​Teach your kid to have a glass of plain water immediately after they wake up.​​Teach your kid not to switch on mobile phones or any gadgets in the morning.​​Teach your kid to brush their teeth soon after waking up.​​Teach your kid to have a hearty breakfast before starting the day.​​Teach your kid to prepare their school bag themselves.​​Teach your kid to have a small workout session before leaving for school.​Teach your kid to wake up on time, even when it is a holiday.Thanks For Reading!Next: Powerful baby girl names inspired by Indian goddesses...