Tag: misinformation

Elon Musk’s X platform fueled far-right riots in Ireland, experts say

Elon Musk’s X platform fueled far-right riots in Ireland, experts say

Elon Musk's social media platform X has fueled far-right disinformation in Ireland and played a key role in riots last month in the country's capital Dublin, experts tell CBS News. The violent clashes erupted on Nov. 23 between about 200 civilians and riot police in central Dublin as demonstrators vented rage after a stabbing incident that left multiple people wounded earlier in the day, including a 5-year-old girl who was hospitalized with serious injuries. False reports circulating on social media had suggested the stabbings were carried out by an illegal immigrant. The assailant was in fact a naturalized Irish citizen originally from Algeria. The violence, which saw a tram and a bus set on fire and stores looted, was partially incited by far-right local actors with significant followin...
Gaza Hospital Blast Sets Off Flood Of Misinformation

Gaza Hospital Blast Sets Off Flood Of Misinformation

Within minutes of a deadly blast at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday, false and misleading claims about the incident spread across the web.Palestinian authorities and medical providers reported that the explosion, which took place at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, killed hundreds of people, though the exact figure is unclear. No one took credit for the strike: Gazan officials blamed an Israeli airstrike, and Israel faulted a misfired rocket from the militant group Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The United States has said its current assessment is that “Israel is not responsible.” What is clear, according to reporting on the ground, is the grisly outcome: Numerous civilians who’d sought safety at the hospital amid Israeli airstrikes elsewhere in northern Gaza — many of whom were outside at the time ...
How Social Media Abdicated Responsibility for the News

How Social Media Abdicated Responsibility for the News

In February of last year, when Russia invaded Ukraine, the horror of war filtered out into the world through user-generated videos on TikTok. Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines and civilians sheltering in their homes posted videos showing advancing tanks, bombed-out apartment blocks, and rations packages being delivered to troops. Both the volume and the intimacy of the footage seemed unprecedented; the conflict was quickly dubbed the “first TikTok war.” Ten days ago, the eruption of violence between Hamas and Israel became the second major war of that new era of social media. But social media has changed to a surprising degree in the intervening year and a half. Across the major platforms, our feeds are less reliable sources of authentic crowdsourced news than they ever were—which was...
Hero or villain? Rupert Murdoch’s exit stirs strong feelings in Britain, where he upended the media

Hero or villain? Rupert Murdoch’s exit stirs strong feelings in Britain, where he upended the media

LONDON -- Before he hit America, Rupert Murdoch ripped through Britain’s media like a tornado.His newspapers changed the political and cultural weather and swung elections. His satellite television channels upended the staid broadcasting scene.Journalists and politicians in the U.K. both hailed and reviled the 92-year-old mogul after he announced Thursday that he was stepping down as leader of his companies Fox and News Corp., handing control to his son Lachlan.For The Times of London, which he owns, Murdoch was “a trailblazer who changed the media.” Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the tycoon “did more than any press baron in the last 100 years to promote the cause of the global free media that is indispensable for democracy and progress.”But to his critics, Murdoch was an unacco...