Everything on the new “Barbie” movie set had to be fully coated in pink — even the people — thanks to Margot Robbie. In a new interview with People, Ryan Gosling dished on Robbie’s mandatory “pink day” that he says she enforced every week while filming, which required the cast and crew to arrive on set donning the movie’s signature color. “Margot had this pink day once a week, where everyone had to wear something pink,” said Gosling, who plays Ken in the film. “And if you didn’t, you were fined.”“She would go around collecting the fines, and she would donate it to a charity,” the actor added.But no one had any beef about it, according to Gosling, who revealed that the male crew members enjoyed “pink day” so much that they even gave Robbie and director Greta Gerwig a touching gift to “show...