Can You Buy a Car With a Personal Loan? | Personal Loans and Advice
Buying a car can be great fun, but you'll likely face at least some financial limitations. If you aren't planning to pay cash for your car, you'll need a plan for how to finance it. An auto loan is the natural choice, but one other option you might consider is a personal loan. Auto loans and personal loans have key differences, and an auto loan will typically make more sense.Can You Use a Personal Loan To Buy a Car?Yes, you can use a personal loan to buy a car. A personal loan can be used to buy almost anything not prohibited by the lender, says Ganesh Pandit, professor of accounting at Adelphi University.What usually matters for approval is your perceived ability to repay the loan, not how you'll use the money. The lender may ask the purpose of the funds when disbursing the loan, but thi...