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Surge of Migrants Heading North Has Chicago, New York at a ‘Breaking Point’

Surge of Migrants Heading North Has Chicago, New York at a ‘Breaking Point’

The mayors of New York, Chicago and Denver said a nonending flow of migrants arriving from the southern border has pushed their cities to the breaking point heading into the New Year, as border crossings swell and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott keeps finding new ways to torment his Democratic rivals.Abbott, a Republican who began sending migrants on buses to other states in spring 2022, doubled down on the strategy in recent weeks. He sent his first planeloads of migrants to Chicago and New York in part to flout regulations on where and when bus operators can drop off the migrants.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8