Tag: LINK|i2-WP-WSJ-0001417040

Broadcom’s Software Makeover Doesn’t Fully Mask Chip Swings

Broadcom’s Software Makeover Doesn’t Fully Mask Chip Swings

Broadcom Chief Executive Hock Tan isn’t someone who finds blowing money appetizing. But that $40,000 dinner seems to have gone down well. That was the reported cost for Tan to sit at the table of Chinese President Xi Jinping during a dinner at last month’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference in San Francisco. It is a notable sum for an executive known for running one of the most tightfisted chip companies in the business. Broadcom spends just 4% of its annual revenue on sales and marketing—compared with 11% on average by companies on the PHLX Semiconductor Index.  Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8