Tag: leadership

Henry Kissinger, Statesman and Friend

Henry Kissinger, Statesman and Friend

My father, who worked for the U.S. Treasury in the 1970s, called Henry Kissinger the smartest, hardest-working person he ever knew. As a teenager, I responded by demonstrating against the Nixon administration and the Vietnam War. Little did I understand that Kissinger was working step by step to end the war while the demonstrations took place.Years later I met Henry for the first time. He asked me about how Google worked and joined me on stage at headquarters where he announced that Google was “a threat to the world’s civilization.” The Googlers loved it, and Henry eventually became my best friend.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Should CEOs Comment on Politically Contentious Topics?

Should CEOs Comment on Politically Contentious Topics?

Journal Reports: LeadershipChange Is Slow on Corporate BoardsBy Theo Francis , and Emily GlazerSeptember 29, 2023 at 1:01 PM ETBoards are turning less often to the CEOs of other companies when filling seats, but have pulled back from bringing in women and racial minorities.
The Top U.S. Colleges for Partying

The Top U.S. Colleges for Partying

At the top: Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Also getting high marks for fun were two Christian schools, along with James Madison University, Tulane University and University of Dayton