Tag: Kari Lake

Ex-RNC Spokesperson Has The Perfect Response For Kari Lake’s Election Fraud Obsession

Ex-RNC Spokesperson Has The Perfect Response For Kari Lake’s Election Fraud Obsession

Former Republican National Committee spokesperson Tim Miller shut down Arizona senatorial candidate Kari Lake for obsessing over Trump’s “big lie.” (You can check out a clip of Miller’s interview with Lake below)Miller – guest host of Showtime’s “The Circus” – dropped by Steve Bannon’s “War Room” last week and spoke with Lake, who questioned the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win.The former RNC spokesperson later brought up the fentanyl crisis among American children, a topic Lake said she cares “deeply” about, before questioning her fixation on election fraud.“So if you care so deeply about this, couldn’t you actually do something about it if you stopped the bullshit about the last election?” Miller said.“If you had just acknowledged that Trump had lost and acknowledge...
Kari Lake Quits Stopping the Steal

Kari Lake Quits Stopping the Steal

Three years after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, Kari Lake has apparently decided it’s time to move on. This week Ms. Lake said she will run for Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat in 2024. The most notable part of her 50-minute announcement speech was Ms. Lake’s pivot from her signature issue in last year’s failed gubernatorial campaign.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Trump Endorses Fellow Election Denier Kari Lake With Election-Denying Rant

Trump Endorses Fellow Election Denier Kari Lake With Election-Denying Rant

While Kari Lake reportedly tries to distance herself from election denial, ex-President Donald Trump pulled her back in on Tuesday with an endorsement video at her senatorial campaign launch. One of the featured fallacies of his speech were claims that Democrats will cheat to steal another election in 2024. Trump remains the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. (Watch the footage below.)“We must win very, very big,” he said in the clip, shared on Truth Social. “It’s much harder for them to cheat if we do it like we should if we swamp ’em .. When we get enough votes, they can’t cheat because they can’t cheat that badly.”Trump’s baseless assertions about the 2020 vote he lost being rigged and the resulting siege on the Capitol have led him to be indicted twice for election crimes.Mean...