Tag: Kansas

Longtime Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader Krystal Anderson dies after giving birth

Longtime Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader Krystal Anderson dies after giving birth

A longtime Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader who was passionate about women's health died after giving birth.Krystal Lakeshia Anderson died shortly after giving birth to her daughter, Charlotte Willow, who was stillborn, according to an obituary. A GoFundMe established to cover Anderson's medical expenses, memorial services and establish a "legacy fund" said that Anderson, 40, had been diagnosed with sepsis during her pregnancy. According to the GoFundMe, Anderson "sought out hospitalization during her 21st week of pregnancy." After delivering her daughter, Anderson experienced organ failure and was placed on life support. She underwent three surgeries "but the source of infection remained elusive," the GoFundMe said. Anderson died on March 20.  Anderson i...
Cyberattack on Kansas Courts Leaves Lawyers Filing ‘Everything by Fax’

Cyberattack on Kansas Courts Leaves Lawyers Filing ‘Everything by Fax’

Kansas attorney Kayla Clark can typically file legal documents online. She can see when a judge signed them. But she has been locked out of this digital world for more than a month, one of numerous lawyers and litigants forced to go analog in the wake of an October cyberattack that has crippled Kansas’ court system and made it mostly impossible to pay fines, file for divorces or complete other legal tasks online.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Chicago Is Losing Supermarkets. Does a Small Kansas Town Have the Answer?

Chicago Is Losing Supermarkets. Does a Small Kansas Town Have the Answer?

ERIE, Kan.—As Chicago studies whether to become the first big city to open a municipally-owned grocery store, it will be looking to places like this city of 1,000 people for tips on how to do it.At the moment, things aren’t going especially well. Erie Market, which the city took over in 2021, is losing money almost every month amid stiff competition from a Walmart 15 miles away and a Dollar General across the street. The store has slashed prices, cleared the shelves of expired items and put in a salad bar to try to bring more people through the door. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8