Tag: john f. kennedy

Small Bookstores Shun Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Upcoming Book

Small Bookstores Shun Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Upcoming Book

Nov. 28, 2023 10:00 am ETIndependent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a member of the most famous political family in the U.S. and a bestselling author. But it may be hard to find his newest book at the local bookstore when it comes out next week.Some booksellers have decided not to stock Kennedy’s latest, “The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race,” citing concerns about the author’s past positions.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
How “Winter Kills” Nails the Paranoid Style

How “Winter Kills” Nails the Paranoid Style

Conspiracy theories are faith-based history, and “Winter Kills,” a 1979 neo-noir, riffs on a scriptural pillar of this realm—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy—with freewheeling speculations that feel both heretical and metaphysical. The movie (which is coming Friday to Film Forum, in a new restoration, and is also widely streaming) stars Jeff Bridges as Nick Kegan, an heir without portfolio, whose claim to fame is that his older half brother Timothy was murdered in 1960, while serving as President. Now, nineteen years later, while aboard an oil tanker belonging to their colossally wealthy father, Nick gets a tip regarding the murder weapon, which had never been found. Following up on that lead, he’s drawn into a whirlwind of danger and deceit that shakes the very foundations ...