Tag: ISS

NASA confirms its space trash pierced Florida man’s roof

NASA confirms its space trash pierced Florida man’s roof

On March 8, a piece of space debris plunged through a roof in Naples, FL, ripped through two floors and (fortunately) missed the son of homeowner Alejandro Otero. On Tuesday, NASA confirmed the results of its analysis of the incident. As suspected, it’s a piece of equipment dumped from the International Space Station (ISS) three years ago.NASA’s investigation of the object at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral confirmed it was a piece of the EP-9 support equipment used to mount batteries onto a cargo pallet, which the ISS’ robotic arm dropped on March 11, 2021. The haul, made up of discarded nickel-hydrogen batteries, was expected to orbit Earth between two to four years (it split the difference, lasting almost exactly three) “before burning up harmlessly in the atmosphere,” as NASA p...
Proxy Advisers and Double Standards

Proxy Advisers and Double Standards

Gary Gensler has brought down the hammer on public companies that have allegedly misled investors. But when proxy advisers have done the same, the Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman looks the other way, as a new report by the American Council for Capital Formation (ACCF) documents.Glass Lewis and Institutional Shareholder Services provide asset managers, pension funds and university endowments with recommendations on how to vote on corporate proxy resolutions. They can assist institutional investors that lack in-house resources to conduct due diligence before voting on thousands of ballot measures. Together they make up about 90% of the proxy advisory market, and it’s a profitable business.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c...