Tag: intolerance

How Jews Escaped Their Dismal Fate

How Jews Escaped Their Dismal Fate

Throughout history Jews have suffered mass murder on a regular basis. It began with the expulsion from Judea (which the Romans renamed Syria Palestina) after the Bar Kokhba rebellion in the year 135. Crusaders killed thousands in the Rhineland massacres of 1096. During the Black Death of 1346-53, Jews were blamed for the plague and murdered. Many more were tortured to death and burned during the Spanish Inquisition. In 1648-49, Bogdan Chmielnicki and his Cossacks slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews in Ukraine. The same thing occurred during the Russian pogroms. In Kishinev, 49 Jews were savagely annihilated in 1903, and more were killed in 1905. Arab riots in Hebron and other places in 1929 resulted in 133 Jews killed. Two millennia of murders reached the unthinkable with the Nazi Einsa...
Harvard Bans ‘Cisheterosexism’ but Shrugs at Antisemitism

Harvard Bans ‘Cisheterosexism’ but Shrugs at Antisemitism

What constitutes bullying and harassment at Harvard? A mandatory Title IX training last year warned all undergraduate students that “cisheterosexism,” “fatphobia” and “using the wrong pronouns” qualified as “abuse” and perpetuated “violence” on campus. But when I asked Harvard President Claudine Gay at a congressional hearing whether calls for the genocide of Jews violated the university’s rules on bullying and harassment, she answered: “It depends on the context.” Pressed further, she said it would qualify “when it crosses into conduct.” I received similar answers from the presidents of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 ...
Higher Ed Has Become a Threat to America

Higher Ed Has Become a Threat to America

America faces a formidable range of calamities: crime out of control, borders in chaos by design, children poorly educated while sexualized and politicized against parental opposition, unconstitutional censorship, a press that does government PR rather than oversight, our institutions and corporations debased in the name of “diversity, equity and inclusion”—and more. To these has been added an outbreak of virulent antisemitism.Every one of these degradations can be traced wholly or in large part to a single source: the corruption of higher education by radical political activists. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8