Tag: House Republicans

Can Speaker Mike Johnson Govern?

Can Speaker Mike Johnson Govern?

After three weeks of pointless but embarrassing intrigue, House Republicans finally hit on a consensus nominee for Speaker. Congratulations to 51-year-old Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson, who with a 220-209 vote Wednesday won the unenviable job of herding the cats, snakes and peacocks in the GOP menagerie.The question is whether the Republican malcontents will let him govern in a way they refused his deposed predecessor, Kevin McCarthy. It won’t take long to find out. Government funding expires Nov. 17, and America’s friends in Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan need military help to defend themselves.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The Unmaking of the Republican Majority

The Unmaking of the Republican Majority

The Republican calamity continues. As I write, the House is still without a speaker more than two weeks after Kevin McCarthy was deposed by Rep. Matt Gaetz’s band of political arsonists. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan hasn’t yet persuaded, cajoled, enticed or threatened his way to 217 votes. He may not get there.It will be ironic if Mr. Jordan wins: The founder of the House GOP’s Freedom Caucus must then become the unifier in chief. A man who during 16 years in Congress has never passed a bill would have to become a master legislator. A politician who gained power by bullying others would have to learn to persuade and energize them. He would find quickly that making demands in Washington has limits—as does anyone stuck with the speaker’s job.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights ...
With House Republicans In Turmoil, Colleagues Implore GOP Holdouts Not To Shut Down Government

With House Republicans In Turmoil, Colleagues Implore GOP Holdouts Not To Shut Down Government

WASHINGTON (AP) — Working furiously to take control of a House in disarray, allies of Speaker Kevin McCarthy implored their Republican colleagues Saturday to drop their hardline tactics and work together to approve a conservative spending plan to prevent a federal shutdown.In public overtures and private calls, Republican lieutenants of the embattled speaker pleaded with a handful of right-flank holdouts to resist further disruptions that have ground the House to a halt and back McCarthy’s latest plan to keep government open before next weekend’s Sept. 30 deadline for a shutdown.Republican Rep. Garrett Graves of Louisiana said the holdouts are “absolutely hallucinating” if they think they can wrap up work without the need for a temporary measure that many of them have shunned before time ...