Tag: history

Bunny Chow and it’s connection with India

Bunny Chow and it’s connection with India

India and its bond with South Africa dates back to the colonial era and the influence of this strong association can be seen in their culture and culinary preferences. An interesting example of this brilliant amalgamation of Indian and South African flavours is a popular delight known as Bunny Chow, which has created a niche in the global culinary map, but its link to India is not known to the world.Read on to find out about Bunny Chow and its connection with IndiaDefining the Indian rootsBunny Chow is undeniably an interesting culinary creation with its roots from an Indian community residing and working in South Africa known as the Durban community. During the colonial era, Indian laborers, who were brought to South Africa to work on sugar cane plantations and in other industries create...
Masha Gessen on the Holocaust, Israel, and the Politics of Memory

Masha Gessen on the Holocaust, Israel, and the Politics of Memory

Listen and subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google | Wherever You ListenSign up to receive our twice-weekly News & Politics newsletter.Last week, the U.S. Congress passed a nonbinding resolution that deemed any expression of anti-Zionism to be a form of antisemitism. This move closely follows the model set by the German government, which has created strict measures to combat antisemitism and a bureaucracy to enforce those measures. Sometimes, Jewish people are found to be in violation. In both Germany and the United States, many politicians championing similar protections are members of the right wing, some of whom are also known white supremacists. Masha Gessen, a New Yorker staff writer, recently wrote an essay about the politics of memory in Europe and the widespread insistence that th...
National Park Service Teaming Up With Tribes To Tell ‘More Complete Story’ Of U.S. History

National Park Service Teaming Up With Tribes To Tell ‘More Complete Story’ Of U.S. History

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland announced Wednesday that the National Park Service is launching an initiative with Native American tribes to tell “a more complete story of American history” at the country’s 428 national park sites.“I want to talk about how we tell our stories,” Haaland, who is the first Indigenous U.S. Cabinet secretary, said in remarks at the White House Tribal Nations Summit.“There are parts of our history that are painful, but they do not define us,” she said. “We define ourselves by the world we collectively build for current and future generations. It is up to all of us to tell our stories. And not just the stories of the bad times — but of those that we celebrate. Those that show our resilience, our strength and our contributions.”In that vein, Haaland announced that...
A Tale of Two Hats

A Tale of Two Hats

December makes me think of hats—well, one hat in particular. Not Napoleon’s bicorne hat, an original of which (just in time for Ridley Scott’s movie) sold for $2.1 million at an auction last month in France, but Santa’s hat.The two aren’t as different as you might imagine. They share the same origins and, improbably, tell a similar story. Both owe their existence to the invention of felt, a densely matted textile. The technique of felting was developed several thousand years ago by the nomads of Central Asia. Since felt stays waterproof and keeps its shape, it could be used to make tents, padding and clothes.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The Post-Civil War Precedent for the Trump Trials

The Post-Civil War Precedent for the Trump Trials

Listen and subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google | Wherever You ListenSign up to receive our twice-weekly News & Politics newsletter.Donald Trump may be the first former President to be indicted for a crime, but he is not the first to lead an insurrection and then attempt to dodge the consequences. More than a hundred and fifty years ago, the U.S. government set out to try Jefferson Davis, the former President of the Confederacy, for treason. Those efforts failed. In this week’s New Yorker, Jill Lepore, a staff writer at the magazine and a historian at Harvard, writes an essay about the lasting consequences of that failure. There are many parallels between our current moment and the post-Civil War reunification era: the thorniness of prosecuting politicians, the fear of inciting more po...
How Did Our Democracy Get So Fragile?

How Did Our Democracy Get So Fragile?

Listen and subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google | Wherever You ListenSign up to receive our twice-weekly News & Politics newsletter.We’re in the midst of another election season, and yet again American democracy hangs in the balance, with a leading Presidential candidate who has threatened to suspend parts of the Constitution. How did the foundations of our political system become so shaky? Jelani Cobb, the dean of the journalism school at Columbia University; Evan Osnos, a Washington correspondent for The New Yorker; and the best-selling author and historian Jill Lepore joined The New Yorker’s Michael Luo for a discussion of that very existential question during the most recent New Yorker Festival. “It’s not that complicated,” from Cobb’s perspective, “if we went all the way back to ...
Putin Rewrites History to Justify His Dependence on China

Putin Rewrites History to Justify His Dependence on China

Vladimir Putin has typically presented himself as a Russian nationalist, so his recent foray into the Middle Ages must have surprised his supporters. In a speech on Nov. 3, Mr. Putin lauded the Mongol rulers of the Golden Horde, the successor state to Genghis Khan’s empire, for saving Russian lands from Western influences. Until now, Russians saw the 2½ centuries of Mongol rule as a period of national humiliation, a yoke that arrested the country’s development and accounted for its perennial backwardness. In a dramatic reversal, Mr. Putin spun a new narrative to justify wrenching Russia away from Western values and toward a brutal autocratic rule. Throughout his 24 years in power, Mr. Putin developed a large imperial wardrobe, donning the mantles of various Russian rulers as it suited the...