Tag: haiti

U.S. to Restrict Visas of Charter Operators Flying Migrants to Nicaragua

U.S. to Restrict Visas of Charter Operators Flying Migrants to Nicaragua

The U.S. government said Tuesday it would impose visa restrictions on individuals running charter flights into Nicaragua, flooding the Central American country with tens of thousands of U.S.-bound migrants, mostly from Haiti, Cuba and Africa.The authoritarian government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, which has strained ties with the U.S., has in recent months allowed several little-known charter airlines and travel agencies to operate flights from Haiti, Cuba and other Caribbean airports to Nicaragua, according to Haitian and Nicaraguan civil aviation data.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Brutal Gangs, Frail Government Await U.N.-Backed Haiti Mission

Brutal Gangs, Frail Government Await U.N.-Backed Haiti Mission

The Kenya-led police force, funded by the U.S., aims to win back control of Haiti from gangs that are stoking a humanitarian crisisU.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, left, and Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Defense Aden Duale, center, in Nairobi last month. The U.S. has committed $200 million to the Kenya-led mission. Khalil Senosi/Associated Press
Melchie Dumornay Is the Revelation of the World Cup So Far

Melchie Dumornay Is the Revelation of the World Cup So Far

When Melchie Dumornay arrived at Haiti’s national soccer-training facility, outside Port-au-Prince, in 2013, she was called Piti, which is Haitian Creole for “small.” She was more than a head shorter than all the other players, and only ten years old. Too small and too young, federation officials thought; they nearly sent her back home to Mirebalais, a mountainous commune northeast of the capital. But she had grown up playing soccer barefoot with older, bigger boys, and she was determined to compete. A coach relented and let her scrimmage. Within two years, she was playing for the under-fifteen national team. At fourteen, she won the Golden Ball at CONCACAF Women’s Under-17 Championship, a tournament that includes the United States.That same year, 2018, she led the under-twenty national t...