Tag: global warming

The U.N. Announces the Hottest Year

The U.N. Announces the Hottest Year

When 2023 began, it seemed likely to be just one more year in the ongoing collapse of the world’s climate system. We were at the tail end of a long La Niña cold period in the Pacific, which meant that, although global temperatures had been near record levels for the past few years, they hadn’t quite topped 2016, the period of the last strong El Niño, which brought the hottest year to date—not to mention considerable havoc from Australia to Alaska. Amid signs of that Pacific warm current starting to build anew, climatologists looked ahead to next year as the time when all hell might break loose. Experts said it was possible that in 2024 we could go past 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures—the mark that we had pledged to try to avoid at the Paris climate summit just eight ...
Germany Gets Honest About What Net Zero Will Cost

Germany Gets Honest About What Net Zero Will Cost

If you had “net zero causing Germany’s government to collapse” on your 2023 bingo card, congratulations—you may end up a winner. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s administration is falling apart because it turns out someone will have to pay for decarbonizing the eurozone’s largest economy.This shocking and horrifying revelation is brought to you by Germany’s highest constitutional court, which ruled in mid-November that Berlin’s favorite budget gimmick violates the balanced-budget amendment. The amendment, known as the debt brake, limits the federal general-budget deficit to 0.35% of gross domestic product in any year unless Parliament declares an emergency.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
‘Net Zero’ Fails the Cost-Benefit Test

‘Net Zero’ Fails the Cost-Benefit Test

Nov. 29, 2023 12:52 pm ETWorld leaders are gathering in Dubai for another climate conference, which will no doubt yield heady promises along the lines of the 2015 Paris climate agreement to keep the global temperature’s rise “well below” 2 degrees Celsius and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees. But they’d be wiser not to. New research shows how extravagant climate promises are far more wasteful than useful.A new special issue of the journal Climate Change Economics contains two ground-breaking economic analyses of policies to hold global temperatures to 1.5 degrees and its practical political interpretation, mandates to reach net zero, usually by 2050. Though more than 130 countries, including most of the globe’s big emitters, have passed or are considering laws mandating net-zero ...
60% Businesses ‘Off Track’ To Meet Sustainability Goals: Bain & Company Report

60% Businesses ‘Off Track’ To Meet Sustainability Goals: Bain & Company Report

Over 60 per cent of businesses surveyed are “off track” to meet their sustainability goals, according to a report by Bain & Company, which also found that consumers are willing to shell out a premium for sustainable products.According to the report, a large number of people surveyed in India say they have a high level of concern about environment sustainability. This could be driven by the spiking levels of pollution in major cities and the rising incidence of flash floods in different parts of the country.Consumers in fast-growing markets, where Bain found environmental concerns to be highest, including India, were willing to pay a greater premium (between 15 and 20 per cent), compared to markets like the US and the UK.The report further said that an Indian consumer, however, is stil...
Chevron Bets on Peak Green Energy

Chevron Bets on Peak Green Energy

The climate lobby’s pronouncements that the end of fossil fuels is nigh appear as premature as warnings two decades ago that supply would soon run out. Chevron on Monday announced a $53 billion bid for Hess Corp. because it knows the world will need oil and gas for the foreseeable future no matter how much politicians subsidize green energy.Chevron’s Hess acquisition comes on the heels of Exxon Mobil’s $60 billion tie-up with Pioneer National Resources this month. Higher interest rates are prompting consolidation across the U.S. economy, as smaller, less-capitalized companies struggle to borrow. Oil and gas giants are flush with cash owing to the run-up in prices over the past two years.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 ...