Tag: gardens

Grow vegetables in CT and save money

Grow vegetables in CT and save money

Anyone who grocery shops on a regular basis has likely noticed a higher tally at the checkout counter. The latest consumer pricing analysis from the USDA is predicting a 1.3 percent increase in food prices. While we can’t do much to lower the prices, one thing we can do is grow some of our own vegetables and herbs. The investment in a small 100 square foot or so garden is not large, and one can be assured of healthy, high quality fresh produce. Vegetable gardeners can also control what, if any, types of pesticides are used on the plants. One source suggested that a $70 investment in plants and seeds could produce a harvest worth $600 or more over the growing season. Already having basic garden tools was probably taken for granted. If yard space is limited or too shaded, consider renting a...
Museum Sells Restituted Cézanne for $39 Million 

Museum Sells Restituted Cézanne for $39 Million 

Updated Nov. 9, 2023 9:53 pm ETA Paul Cézanne still life sold for $39 million on Thursday as part of a fundraising effort by a beleaguered Swiss museum.The 1890-93 scene, “Fruits and Jar of Ginger,” was sold by Museum Langmatt in the Swiss community of Baden as part of a broader campaign to renovate its 1900-01 art nouveau villa and establish an endowment. Before the auction could happen, the museum reached a restitution settlement with the heirs of a Jewish collector who previously sold the Cézanne under duress.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Photos: The Gardens Hotel

Photos: The Gardens Hotel

1/16Formerly known as the Gardens Mansion, the historic Gardens Hotel’s main building dates back to the 1800s and is on the National Register of Historic Places.2/16We started our tour in the boutique hotel's lobby, which used to be the main living area of the original Gardens Mansion building. It’s filled with local art – like this custom-painted coffee table by late Key West artist Jeff Beal – eclectic lamps, sculptures and other unique treasures.3/16To check in, head to the reception desk in the room next to the main lobby. Upon arrival, guests will enjoy a welcome glass of prosecco and are given excursion bags for the beach. There’s also a small retail shelf that serves as a gift shop featuring local merchandise and mementos.4/16Within the reception area, this satirical painted teleph...