Tag: foreign policy

How The Israel-Gaza War Could Haunt Biden’s Human Rights Legacy

How The Israel-Gaza War Could Haunt Biden’s Human Rights Legacy

Visiting the State Department 10 days after his inauguration, President Joe Biden said his foreign policy would prioritize an approach to diplomacy defined by: “defending freedom, championing opportunity, upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity.”Nearly three years later, Biden’s handling of the biggest international crisis of his presidency — a shock Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and a devastating U.S.-backed Israeli campaign of retaliation since — has shattered any credibility he had in claiming those guiding lights.Biden’s narrative of championing human rights globally crumbled in striking ways throughout his presidency. But foreign affairs watchers say his actions over the last three months have dealt a knockout blow to that ima...
Biden’s Foolish Snub of Nippon Steel

Biden’s Foolish Snub of Nippon Steel

Nippon Steel’s proposed $15 billion acquisition of U.S. Steel “appears to deserve serious scrutiny,” the White House said Thursday. The statement came after an outcry from protectionist lawmakers, including Sen. John Fetterman (D., Pa.), who have cited union and national-security concerns and vowed to block the sale. The anti-Japanese business rhetoric is reminiscent of the 1980s, when U.S.-Japan trade tensions threatened to undermine a critically important bilateral alliance during the Cold War.U.S. politicians’ unjustified criticisms of the deal could strain relations between the U.S. and Japan and weaken their collaboration on trade and economic security. The White House should work with allies on economic and military cooperation, not criticize them.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Com...
The Year in Getting “Chotinered”

The Year in Getting “Chotinered”

Listen and subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google | Wherever You ListenSign up to receive our twice-weekly News & Politics newsletter.In 2023, Isaac Chotiner conducted more than sixty Q. & A.s for The New Yorker, on a wide array of international and domestic topics. He has gained a reputation for being a fearless interviewer, who does not flinch from confrontation. Chotiner joins the senior editor Tyler Foggatt to look back on the year. They revisit a few conversations that stood out—about settlements in the West Bank, Henry Kissinger, and India’s economic growth—and discuss some questions Chotiner hopes to get answered in 2024.
Victory Seems Not to Be an Option for Biden

Victory Seems Not to Be an Option for Biden

With less than a year until the election, President Biden’s legacy is beginning to take shape. He is leaving a record of defeat. From Afghanistan to Ukraine to Gaza, Mr. Biden has adopted Barack Obama’s playbook of leading the free world from behind. On Dec. 1, Secretary of State Antony Blinken made his fourth visit to Israel since the Hamas terrorist attacks of Oct. 7. His remarks focused on what Israel shouldn’t do in Gaza rather than on how to defeat the Hamas terrorists who are still holding around 140 hostages.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Henry Kissinger’s Strategic Mind – WSJ

Henry Kissinger’s Strategic Mind – WSJ

Henry Kissinger died Wednesday at 100. These are excerpts from his contributions to the Journal editorial pages over the years“Vietnam: View of a New Nixon Aide,” Dec. 19, 1968:Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Iraq’s Delicate Balancing Act With Iran and the U.S.

Iraq’s Delicate Balancing Act With Iran and the U.S.

BaghdadWith the Gaza war threatening to spiral into a wider Middle East conflict, Secretary of State Antony Blinken earlier this month paid an unannounced visit to Baghdad, where he met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani. Mr. Sudani faces the delicate task of balancing his country’s ties between America and Iran and stopping Iran-aligned militias from attacking U.S. military and diplomatic personnel in Iraq. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Erdogan’s Turkey Doesn’t Belong in the EU

Erdogan’s Turkey Doesn’t Belong in the EU

The European Commission on Nov. 8 issued its annual report on states wanting to join the European Union. The report criticizes the regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for disregarding human rights, increasing ties with Vladimir Putin’s Russia and restricting freedom of expression. The commission takes particular aim at Turkey’s stance on Israel: “Its rhetoric” in support of Hamas “is in complete disagreement with the EU approach.”The EU, like the U.S., has long held delusions about Mr. Erdogan’s views and intentions. Yet for anyone paying attention, his latest inflammatory comments—that “Hamas is not a terrorist organization but a liberation group”—are no surprise. Throughout his 20-year tenure as leader of Turkey, he has spread radical Islam, crushed political opposition and...