Tag: Federal Reserve Survey Data

Why Bidenomics Isn’t Popular – WSJ

Why Bidenomics Isn’t Popular – WSJ

Voters in swing states disapprove of Bidenomics by a two-to-one margin, according to a poll last week. And Democrats keep wondering why more black and Hispanic voters are showing interest in the GOP. A possible explanation arrived last week in a new Federal Reserve report showing how minorities in particular have struggled in the Biden years.News coverage of the Fed’s Survey of Consumer Finances has noted that the typical family’s net worth increased 37% between 2019 and 2022 amid the run-up in equity and housing prices. But while Americans overall have become wealthier during Mr. Biden’s tenure, many don’t feel that way because they are cash poorer.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
China’s Economy Is Perking Up. Cheap Money Helped.

China’s Economy Is Perking Up. Cheap Money Helped.

Text size A pedestrian walks by a housing construction project in Guizhou province, China. Qilai Shen/Bloomberg As bad as China’s economic troubles are, pockets of the world’s second largest economy are showing improvement. And officials in two big cities moved overnight to woo more home buyers and stabilize the property markets. Economist say more is needed to fix the Chinese economy. ...