Tag: federal communications commission

Internet providers roll out broadband “nutrition” labels for consumers

Internet providers roll out broadband “nutrition” labels for consumers

Beginning Wednesday, internet service providers (ISPs) will be trying to make it easier for consumers to understand what's in their monthly internet bills. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is now requiring providers to provide notices that resemble nutrition labels that break down what they're getting and how much the individual parts of their internet service cost. The content of the labels won't be calories or grams of sugar and fat, though. Instead, broadband consumers will be able to see information including monthly price, discounts and bundles, internet speed range for plans, the amount of data included each month, network management and privacy policies, customer support contacts, as well as any additional charges and terms, including early termination and late fees. ...
Biden’s FCC takes aim at early termination fees from pay-TV providers

Biden’s FCC takes aim at early termination fees from pay-TV providers

A proposed rule from the Federal Communications Commission would bar pay-TV companies from charging customers early termination fees when they sever their service contract before it expires.The proposal, which the commission will vote on next month, would also force cable companies and satellite TV services to give customers a rebate if a subscriber leaves before a billing cycle ends. FCC officials said eliminating early termination fees would benefit the video-streaming business."When companies charge customers early termination fees, it limits their freedom to choose the service they want," FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said in a statement Tuesday. "In an increasingly competitive media market, we should make it easier for Americans to use their purchasing power to promote innovati...
FCC fines Dish Network $150,000 for leaving retired satellite too low in space

FCC fines Dish Network $150,000 for leaving retired satellite too low in space

Dish Network left one of its retired satellites floating too low in space and has now been slapped with a fine by federal regulators.The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a $150,000 penalty against Dish on Monday, saying the Colorado company didn't properly dispose of its defunct direct broadcast satellite known as EchoStar-7. The Dish settlement marks the first fine ever levied against a company for space debris, FCC officials said."As satellite operations become more prevalent and the space economy accelerates, we must be certain that operators comply with their commitments," Loyaan Egal, the FCC's enforcement bureau chief, said in a statement. "This is a breakthrough settlement, making very clear the FCC has strong enforcement authority and capability to enforce its vitall...
FCC to propose rules for net neutrality that ban internet providers from blocking websites

FCC to propose rules for net neutrality that ban internet providers from blocking websites

CNN  —  The US government aims to restore sweeping regulations for high-speed internet providers such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon, reviving “net neutrality” rules for the broadband industry — and an ongoing debate about the internet’s future. The proposed rules from the Federal Communications Commission will designate internet service — both the wired kind found in homes and businesses as well as mobile data on cellphones — as “essential telecommunications” akin to traditional telephone services, said FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. The rules would ban internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking or slowing down access to websites and online content. In addition to the prohibitions on b...
FCC issues historic $300 million fine against the largest robocall scam it has ever investigated

FCC issues historic $300 million fine against the largest robocall scam it has ever investigated

CNN  —  The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday cracked down on a massive illegal robocall operation responsible for billions of auto-warranty scam calls in recent years, with regulators imposing a record $300 million fine on what authorities said is the largest such network it has ever investigated. The globe-spanning illegal operation violated US telecom laws by making more than five billion robocalls to more than half a billion phone numbers over the course of just three months in 2021, the FCC said in a release Wednesday. But the campaign had been in existence for even longer, the FCC added. Using a multitude of shell companies, aliases and fly-by-night phone providers allegedly under ...