Tag: eric adams

Union to Eric Adams: Drop Dead

Union to Eric Adams: Drop Dead

Public unions are big cities’ toughest customers, even for an ally like New York’s Eric Adams. The mayor is patching the city’s budget amid a growing migrant crisis, but government workers are dragging him to court to block cost savings.One of New York’s largest public unions sued Wednesday to prevent City Hall from curtailing a costly jobs program. The parks and sanitation departments currently pay welfare recipients to do custodial work, but the city’s Office of Management and Budget wants to save money by shifting about 2,300 of those positions to outside firms. These savings are low-hanging fruit for a city with a $7 billion budget gap, but the union won’t budge.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The Mounting Challenges Facing New York City Mayor Eric Adams

The Mounting Challenges Facing New York City Mayor Eric Adams

Nov. 18, 2023 11:00 am ETNEW YORK—With the skyscrapers of Wall Street behind him, Eric Adams watched earlier this week as an electric passenger aircraft circled Manhattan’s downtown heliport. He shared his dream that the city would be a hub of the new technology and waxed about the prospect of futuristic new jobs.Then reality came back: a question about whether anyone else on his team had their phones seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as happened to Adams this month. “We’re talking about helicopters!” the mayor spat back, ignoring the question as he spun around and turned his eyes to the sky.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Mayor Adams starts legal defense fund over FBI probe of campaign

Mayor Adams starts legal defense fund over FBI probe of campaign

Mayor Adams has created a legal defense trust in direct response to the FBI probe into his 2021 campaign finances. The fund — first reported by Politico — will allow Adams to raise money to cover legal expenses “in connection with inquiries by the office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (‘SDNY’) related to the operations of the Eric Adams 2021 mayoral campaign committee,” according to an agreement posted with the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board. It’s unclear when Adams started the fund, but the COIB site shows a letter dated Nov. 13 by the city’s Corporation Counsel acknowledging the establishment of the fund, and stating that the city’s lawyers will not be involved with the Adams’ legal matter. Under the law, Adams is allowed to accept contributions ...
What Kind of Trouble Is Eric Adams In?

What Kind of Trouble Is Eric Adams In?

Because public attention is a finite resource, political crises have a way of obscuring and supplanting one another. On the morning of November 2nd, New York City’s mayor, Eric Adams, flew to Washington, D.C., for a full day of meetings about New York’s migrant crisis. “We are headed to D.C. to meet with our congressional delegation and the White House to address this real issue,” Adams said in a video posted on his X account at 7:41 A.M. “We’ll keep you updated as the day goes on.”For more than a year, without much success, Adams had been calling on the federal government to defray the astronomical costs of housing tens of thousands of immigrants in city-run shelters. He had gone as far as suggesting that without federal help the migrant crisis would “destroy” New York. Though the disput...
FBI Seized New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s Electronic Devices in Probe

FBI Seized New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s Electronic Devices in Probe

Updated Nov. 10, 2023 6:00 pm ETFederal Bureau of Investigation agents seized New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s cellphones and iPad earlier this week as a part of a public corruption probe into his political campaign, according to people familiar with the matter. In a statement Friday, a lawyer for the campaign said Adams’s devices were taken from him after he attended an event on Monday night.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
FBI Seized Phones, iPad From New York City Mayor Eric Adams

FBI Seized Phones, iPad From New York City Mayor Eric Adams

NEW YORK (AP) — FBI agents seized phones and an iPad from New York City Mayor Eric Adams this week as part of an investigation into his campaign fundraising, his attorney confirmed Friday.The seizures happened after an event Monday night, according to a statement from the mayor’s attorney, Boyd Johnson.“On Monday night, the FBI approached the mayor after an event. The Mayor immediately complied with the FBI’s request and provided them with electronic devices,” the statement said. “The mayor has not been accused of any wrongdoing and continues to cooperate with the investigation.”The seizure of the devices, first reported by The New York Times, came days after federal agents searched the Brooklyn home of Adams’ top campaign fundraiser, Brianna Suggs. That search prompted the mayor to cance...
How New York, a City of Immigrants, Became Home to a Migrant Crisis

How New York, a City of Immigrants, Became Home to a Migrant Crisis

Listen and subscribe: Apple | Spotify | Google | Wherever You ListenSign up to receive our twice-weekly News & Politics newsletter.In the past year, more than a hundred thousand migrants have arrived in New York City. This particular chapter in the city’s immigration history began last August, when Governor Greg Abbott of Texas sent buses of Venezuelan asylum seekers north. The city welcomed these new arrivals, who used social media to encourage more migrants to make New York their destination, even as the city’s shelters—already overburdened by a growing homeless population—were at capacity. Eric Lach has recently published a piece in The New Yorker about the new influx of African migrants, and their difficulties navigating a social-services system that was built for Spanish speakers...