Tag: Election Fraud

The Tragedy of Rudy Giuliani

The Tragedy of Rudy Giuliani

The tragedy of Rudy Giuliani continues to escalate with last week’s jury award of $148 million in a defamation suit brought by two Georgia election workers. What a long, strange decline it’s been for the former mayor who rescued New York City from a previous era of progressive decline. The eight-member Washington, D.C., jury awarded the two election workers three times more than the $48 million they sought, and that is likely to be reduced by the trial judge or an appellate court.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Ken Buck Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection, Cites Election Fraud Lies

Ken Buck Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection, Cites Election Fraud Lies

WASHINGTON ― Colorado Republican Ken Buck announced Wednesday that he would not run for reelection partly because can’t stand his party’s lies about 2020. In recent weeks, Buck has broken from Republicans on the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden and whether the Justice Department has been “weaponized” against Donald Trump. On Wednesday, Buck said he was disappointed Republicans have failed to tackle “major issues” like reforming federal social insurance programs. But that wasn’t all. “I’m also disappointed that the Republican Party continues to, you know, rely on this lie that the 2020 election was stolen,” Buck said in an interview on MSNBC, “and rely on the Jan. 6 narrative and the political prisoners from Jan. 6 and other things.” Buck said that if Republicans want to tac...
The Trumpian Tragedy of Jenna Ellis

The Trumpian Tragedy of Jenna Ellis

Donald Trump is still pretending that the 2020 presidential election “was RIGGED & STOLLEN,” as he put it the other day on Truth Social, where he also teased an imminent unveiling of “massive information and 100% evidence.” Meantime, in the real world, three lawyers who assisted with Mr. Trump’s schemes to reverse his 2020 defeat have pleaded guilty to crimes in Georgia.The latest is Jenna Ellis, who on Tuesday tearfully read a statement to the court, acknowledging she had pushed specious claims, including to state lawmakers, without due diligence. “What I did not do but should have done, your honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true,” she said. “If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in thes...
Why Did Sidney Powell Plead Guilty?

Why Did Sidney Powell Plead Guilty?

A few years ago, Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor and the author of the book “Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice,” was probably best known as a critic of the Mueller probe into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 Presidential election. After Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national-security adviser, pleaded guilty to the felony of lying to the F.B.I. in the course of that investigation, she publicly urged him to retract the plea; Flynn fired his lawyers and hired her instead. Donald Trump praised the decision. “General Michael Flynn, the 33 year war hero who has served with distinction, has not retained a good lawyer, he has retained a GREAT LAWYER,” he wrote on Twitter, wishing them both luck. Ultimately, however, Powell’s legal prowess was not required: ...
Fani Wallis’s Indictment of Donald Trump and a Voting-System Breach

Fani Wallis’s Indictment of Donald Trump and a Voting-System Breach

On Monday night, when Georgia’s Fulton County district attorney, Fani Willis, released her forty-one-count, ninety-eight-page indictment of nineteen people who allegedly conspired to subvert the 2020 Presidential election in that state, the spotlight was on the most prominent suspects: former President Donald Trump, his chief of staff Mark Meadows, and his lawyers Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and Sidney Powell. Here, according to the indictment, was the President of the United States conspiring to overturn the results of a legitimate election, abetted by officers of the court who themselves conspired to subvert the law of the land. Then there are the other defendants, whom those at the top allegedly relied on to help carry out various plots. Three of them—Scott Hall, Misty Hampton, and Ca...
The Benefits and Drawbacks to Charging Trump Like a Mobster

The Benefits and Drawbacks to Charging Trump Like a Mobster

On Monday night, Donald Trump and eighteen other people were indicted on forty-one felony counts by a grand jury in Atlanta. The case stemmed from Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 Presidential-election results in Georgia, where he was narrowly defeated by Joe Biden. Earlier this month, Jack Smith, a special counsel for the Department of Justice, filed a federal indictment related to Trump’s conduct in the aftermath of his election loss. A notable distinction between the two cases is that Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, decided to charge Trump and his associates under the state’s RICO Act, a racketeering statute that traditionally has been used to pursue organized crime. (She also charged Trump with thirteen felony counts, whereas Smith charged the former...
Youngkin Urges Republicans to ‘Beat Democrats at Their Own Game,’ Embrace Early Voting – RedState

Youngkin Urges Republicans to ‘Beat Democrats at Their Own Game,’ Embrace Early Voting – RedState

As Democrats continue to outperform us in key elections (see: 2022 midterms, 2020 presidential election), the Republican Party is faced with two options. One, keep blaming every loss on election fraud — I’m not saying it doesn’t exist — or, two, learn how to beat the Democrats at their own game. Here’s the thing. The Democrats now play an Election Season game, while the Republicans largely rely on the traditional Election Day game. I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer — but I’m not the dullest one, either. So it’s become obvious to me that the GOP must step up its own election season game — and win. Then, assuming adequate numbers in state legislatures, if Republicans want to limit early voting and impose other restrictions, they’ll be in a position to do. In other words, ra...