Tag: Editorials

And the Fair Land – WSJ

And the Fair Land – WSJ

Any one whose labors take him into the far reaches of the country, as ours lately have done, is bound to mark how the years have made the land grow fruitful.This is indeed a big country, a rich country, in a way no array of figures can measure and so in a way past belief of those who have not seen it. Even those who journey through its Northeastern complex, into the Southern lands, across the central plains and to its Western slopes can only glimpse a measure of the bounty of America.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Should Transgender Treatments Be Available to Minors?

Should Transgender Treatments Be Available to Minors?

Editor’s note: In this Future View, students discuss gender dysphoria and “gender transition” procedures for children under 18. Next week we’ll ask, “The state police are investigating anti-Semitic threats at Cornell, while Jewish students at NYU were advised to hide in the library as a mob surged onto campus. Years of campus agitation against Israel seem to have boiled over since the attacks of Oct. 7 into visible anti-Semitism in America’s universities. How should the nation’s campuses deal with this? What are we to make of a recent poll finding that 18- to 25-year-olds support Hamas at more than double the rate of older generations?” Students should click here to submit opinions of fewer than 250 words before Nov. 7. The best responses will be published that night.Copyright ©2023 Dow J...
The New Rise of Organized Shoplifting

The New Rise of Organized Shoplifting

Editor’s note: In this Future View, students discuss retail theft and shoplifting. Next we’ll ask: “There has been much debate over ‘gender transition’ procedures for children under 18 experiencing gender dysphoria. Should minors be able to receive such procedures? Why or why not?” Students should click here to submit opinions of fewer than 250 words before Oct. 31. The best responses will be published that night.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8