Tag: Editorials

Orphan wells show government is again too quick to spend money | News, Sports, Jobs

Orphan wells show government is again too quick to spend money | News, Sports, Jobs

The government often is too quick to commit to spending money and too slow at nearly everything else. Between the federal and state governments, hundreds of millions of dollars have been committed to plugging “orphan” wells — oil and gas wells abandoned decades ago by now-defunct companies, without the necessary remediation to prevent or mitigate environmental damage. There are 350,000 such wells in Pennsylvania. Or perhaps there are more than 700,000 such wells in Pennsylvania. It will cost about $18,000 to plug each well. Or $33,000. Or $68,000. Or it might cost $110,000 each for some of the more difficult wells. That, according to a Center Square article in Friday’s edition of the Sun-Gazette,...
Our Best Christmas Memories – WSJ

Our Best Christmas Memories – WSJ

Editor’s note: In this Future View, students discuss their best holiday memories. Next week we’ll ask, “With New Year’s around the corner, what should we expect in 2024? Will inflation go down? Will peace deals be made? What else do you expect this new year?” Students should click here to submit opinions of fewer than 250 words before Jan. 2. The best responses will be published that night.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Gen Z Flirts With Socialism

Gen Z Flirts With Socialism

Editor’s note: In this Future View, students discuss Gen Z and the rising interest in socialism. Next week we’ll ask, “With the Treasury announcing a new fentanyl strike force, how much of a threat is the drug to American youth? Is fentanyl a uniquely damaging drug, or is it just as damaging as other substances? How should America deal with the fentanyl problem?” Students should click here to submit opinions of fewer than 250 words before Dec. 12. The best responses will be published that night.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Henry Kissinger’s Strategic Mind – WSJ

Henry Kissinger’s Strategic Mind – WSJ

Henry Kissinger died Wednesday at 100. These are excerpts from his contributions to the Journal editorial pages over the years“Vietnam: View of a New Nixon Aide,” Dec. 19, 1968:Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The Distrustful Generation – WSJ

The Distrustful Generation – WSJ

Editor’s note: In this Future View, students discuss declining trust in American governmental and political institutions. Next week we’ll ask, “Nearly half of Americans 18 to 29 favor socialism. Why does this generation seem so divided from older generations? Has social media played a large role? Academic institutions? Or is Gen Z less divided from older generations than we think?” Students should click here to submit opinions of fewer than 250 words before Dec. 5. The best responses will be published that night.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8