Tag: division

America Feels Like a Codependent Household

America Feels Like a Codependent Household

America feels like an alcoholic household—crazy with grievance, accusation, irrational rage, screaming in the middle of the night. The children lie in the dark, wide-eyed, listening. In the morning, the family comes downstairs trying to pretend that everything is normal. There’s a lot of pretending: The southern border isn’t wide open; unpunished crime is social justice; the president of Harvard deserves her job. Things aren’t normal. Everyone knows it. The country doesn’t quite recognize itself. America has gone astray in a strange new landscape. It’s a different America all right. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Where’s Socrates When You Need Him?

Where’s Socrates When You Need Him?

Dialogue in its traditional meaning referred to people with divergent viewpoints coming together in hope of discovering a different, more complex and perhaps higher truth. The most famous practitioner was Plato, whose Socratic dialogues were a search for truth or, at least in the intellectually modest pose of Socrates, an acknowledgment of what we really don’t know. Four hundred years later, Plutarch often availed himself of dialogue. The most recent philosopher to use the form was George Santayana in his 1925 book “Dialogues in Limbo.”A rough notion of dialogue was taken up by newspapers in 1973, when the liberal New York Times hired William Safire, a conservative former speechwriter for Richard Nixon, as a regular columnist. Taking things a step further, The Wall Street Journal publishe...