Tag: democrats

America Feels Like a Codependent Household

America Feels Like a Codependent Household

America feels like an alcoholic household—crazy with grievance, accusation, irrational rage, screaming in the middle of the night. The children lie in the dark, wide-eyed, listening. In the morning, the family comes downstairs trying to pretend that everything is normal. There’s a lot of pretending: The southern border isn’t wide open; unpunished crime is social justice; the president of Harvard deserves her job. Things aren’t normal. Everyone knows it. The country doesn’t quite recognize itself. America has gone astray in a strange new landscape. It’s a different America all right. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Democrats And Industry Clash Over Controversial Energy Plan

Democrats And Industry Clash Over Controversial Energy Plan

OSWEGO, N.Y. — On the snowy eastern shore of Lake Ontario sits a beige metal shipping container roughly the size of a mobile home. Inside, a machine called an electrolyzer is zapping tanks of freshwater with enough volts to split the hydrogen out of H2O to harvest the gas, which the U.S. government is banking on replacing fossil fuels. Hydrogen, the lightest and most abundant element in the universe, has long been manufactured for use in fertilizers and oil refining. Virtually all the global supply today is produced through a chemical process that strips the hydrogen out of natural gas. Since hydrogen produces only water when burned, making the fuel instead with water and electricity that comes from a zero-carbon source offers something that functions like oil and gas without adding carbo...
The Migrant Crisis and the Urban Death Spiral

The Migrant Crisis and the Urban Death Spiral

Cities are organic entities. They have life cycles. They can thrive and grow or suffer and shrink. As secretary of housing and urban development, I learned this firsthand. Detroit wasn’t always the Detroit of today. San Francisco today is different from San Francisco 10 years ago. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago aren’t what they were 20 years ago. It’s time we opened our eyes to reality. Many cities are going backward.We are experiencing an unrecognized urban crisis as cities grapple with post-Covid realities. Cities were created primarily as locations for employment. Post-Covid remote work, Zoom meetings, abbreviated workweeks and increased mobility change the basic urban equation. Fewer people need to be in the city to work, and during Covid many adopted new lifestyles and locations. ...
Trump as Dictator Is a Classic Case of Projection

Trump as Dictator Is a Classic Case of Projection

If you haven’t heard, Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are planning a coup. “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable,” Robert Kagan, an editor at large at the Washington Post, writes in a recent 6,000-word essay that compares America’s fractious democracy with Weimar Germany.Budding opinion writers are instructed not to draw inapt comparisons to Hitler, yet Mr. Trump’s opponents are casting aside such conventions in much the same way they’re jettisoning political and legal ones. Only by convincing themselves that Mr. Trump threatens the existence of the republic can they justify their own weaponization of government to stop him. “When a marauder is crashing through your house, you throw everything you can at him—pots, pans, candlesticks—in the hope of slowing him down and tri...
The Capital Has a Bad Case of Year-End Panic

The Capital Has a Bad Case of Year-End Panic

Sometimes Washington needs to scare itself silly to get anything done. This year’s repeated threats of government shutdown are classic examples, even if the crisis has not been permanently averted but merely deferred to early 2024. The current panic is over U.S. assistance to Ukraine, which is set to run out at a moment when Russia has successfully stalled Ukraine’s counter-offensive and the onset of winter has brought a new round of Russian attacks on Ukraine’s civilian energy infrastructure.For President Biden, who has repeatedly promised Ukraine that America would be there “as long as it takes,” basic credibility is on the line. For weeks, he and his Democratic allies in the Senate have tried and failed to pry a deal from their G.O.P. colleagues, who have set increased border funding ...
AOC Said Pelosi Mocked Her Because Of Her Age, New Book Says

AOC Said Pelosi Mocked Her Because Of Her Age, New Book Says

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made her life in Congress miserable, frequently singling out the more junior lawmaker because of her age, according to an upcoming book that focuses on the New York Democrat’s congressional career.“The amount of times she told me that stupid ‘I have protest signs older than you in my basement’ shit. Like yeah, but mine don’t collect dust,” Ocasio-Cortez said of the Democratic speaker in a text to Ryan Grim, the Washington bureau chief for The Intercept and a former D.C. bureau chief for HuffPost. The anecdote is included in an advanced copy of Grim’s book obtained by HuffPost.Ocasio-Cortez, known as AOC, was elected to the House from a New York City district in 2018, at the time becoming the youngest woman ever e...
Bidenomics Is a Political Bust for Biden

Bidenomics Is a Political Bust for Biden

To hear President Biden tell it, everything is going great. G.D.P. is up, the deficit is down. Semiconductors are being made in the U.S.A. again. Bridges and tunnels and roads are being fixed. There’s even, unlikely as it sounds, a manufacturing boom. During an appearance on Wednesday in Pueblo, Colorado, Biden touted all he’s done for that corner of southeastern Colorado. The event was held at a wind-turbine factory, where eight hundred and fifty new jobs had been created courtesy of his signature Inflation Reduction Act. Funding from his beloved infrastructure bill had brought in a new water pipeline to serve fifty thousand people and affordable high-speed Internet for local Native American communities. In theory, this was an official Presidential appearance; in practice, it had the fee...
Major Mea Culpa From MLB

Major Mea Culpa From MLB

Will Rob Manfred apologize to the state of Georgia and its citizens? The commissioner of Major League Baseball announced Thursday that the annual All-Star Game will be held in Atlanta in 2025, two years after he moved the game from the city because of a controversial election law.What’s changed? Not the bulk of the law, the Election Integrity Act of 2021, which tightened up vote-by-mail and voter ID rules. Mr. Manfred at the time bowed to Democratic Party and media distortions about the law, which President Biden infamously called “Jim Crow 2.0.” Stacey Abrams, who had lost to Gov. Brian Kemp in 2018 but had refused in Donald Trump fashion to accept the result, also played the race card.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 ...
Conservative Donors Failed to Show Up in the 2023 Elections

Conservative Donors Failed to Show Up in the 2023 Elections

Once critics of the supposedly malign influence of money in politics, the progressive left proved to be big spenders in November’s elections. In four key state races—for Kentucky’s governor, Virginia’s General Assembly, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court and Ohio’s abortion referendum—left-wing advocacy groups dropped at least $135 million on campaign ads, outspending conservative groups by $42 million.A few years ago, left-leaning organizations and media outlets warned that conservatives had come to “dominate” state politics and policy. They pointed to Republican victories in state elections and significant policy achievements like the Wisconsin collective-bargaining reform known as Act 10. Those of us working in the trenches on these issues knew better. Government unions and progressive speci...