Tag: deficit

DeSantis Is Right About Medicaid

DeSantis Is Right About Medicaid

North Carolina has become the 40th state to succumb to federal cash and adopt ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion for able-bodied working-age adults. A new study from the Paragon Health Institute shows there is little to celebrate. Overall health is unlikely to improve despite this massive increase in public welfare. We now have 10 years of data on ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion. The evidence against the policy is overwhelming: Expansion leads to a surge in spending but reduces healthcare access for traditional Medicaid enrollees such as low-income children and people with disabilities. And it doesn’t improve health.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The California Budget Bust Arrives

The California Budget Bust Arrives

Much like California’s climate cycle of storms and drought, the state’s progressive tax code yields revenue booms and busts. Now the bust is coming. After a $100 billion budget surplus two years ago, the Golden State is now staring at a $68 billion shortfall because the gusher of tax revenue from soaking the rich has dried up.The state Legislative Analyst’s Office projected on Thursday a $68 billion budget gap through the next fiscal year and $155 billion in cumulative deficits over the next four years. For comparison, Florida’s entire general fund budget was $46.1 billion this year.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Why Democrats Should Care About the National Debt

Why Democrats Should Care About the National Debt

After his election as House speaker, Mike Johnson said one of his top priorities was the creation of a bipartisan commission to tackle the national debt. It’s a good idea that nearly 70% of voters in both parties support. In September, Reps. Scott Peters (D., Calif.) and Bill Huizenga (R., Mich.) introduced the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023, and 198 House Republicans voted for it as part of a government funding bill. Here’s why Democratic congressional leaders and the Biden administration should join the push:• Deficits are undermining the Biden economy. In the past year, the real federal budget deficit more than doubled, from $933 billion to $2 trillion. Democrats rightly argued that spending borrowed money was a critical economic support during the Covid pandemic. But the unemployment r...